Emerald.fortalejo submitted the following stories to BizSugar

With Christmas out of the way, we're just a hop, skip and a jump away from seeing in the New Year. January brings CES - the biggest tech show in the world which will be where thousands of new gadgets make their debut. But what kind of innovations can we expect to see throughout the rest of 2011? Th Read More
Can your small business get both affordable professional-class IT service and peace of mind? The secret lies in having a technology services provider handle your technical solutions.

To stay competitive, small businesses must make the most of current technology. But it’s expensive, time consum Read More
Jonathan Reichental's 2010 technology of the year is notable not just for what it accomplished in the previous year, but also because of its considerable potential. Read More

Control Technology Choice, Not Technology Use

Avatar Posted by emerald.fortalejo under Technology
From http://andrewmcafee.org 5013 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on December 22, 2010 12:30 am
Minimal control over technology use is a mantra I’ve been chanting into the blogosphere for a while now. The great majority of people know how to behave, want to do their jobs well, and are predisposed to be helpful to their colleagues. If you believe what’s in your mission statement, empower your Read More
The breadth and depth of the technological reach on display at Autodesk University, particularly for a first-timer such as myself, is, for lack of a less hackneyed phrase, overwhelming.

But what is important to eventually grasp at such an event is the transformative power of technology to drive Read More
Supermarkets are a risky business with thousands of products and scores of brands to sell at painfully small margins. Supermarkets are complex and very difficult to manage. Counting and billing each and every item is very tedious, error-prone, and expensive work.
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Communications is very important now days, many people are seeking for ways on how to reach their loved ones who are thousand miles away. Read More
The last two decades, a huge increase in the number of computers at home. With it, computer owners always have the entrepreneurial spirit in many areas taken over. Due to the growth of technology, computers and the Internet to new methods for processing into daily business operations are developed Read More
Today’s workforce has evolved and the people who are capitalizing on innovative collaborative tools are realizing significant gains in productivity. They are also reshaping how daily tasks are performed. Efficiency is of utmost importance, not only because of the fast-paced nature of business, but Read More
With such a wide range of technologies available to boost all aspects of your business – from HD video conferencing facilities to fibre optic broadband connections offering faster speeds than ever before – it’s important to keep up with the latest developments, or you risk quickly lagging behind ag Read More

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