Fundera submitted the following stories to BizSugar

If you’re a small business owner, especially one who doesn’t have a great personal credit score, you might be looking for a business credit card that doesn’t require a personal credit check. That way, your business’ interest rate and credit line would be evaluated on the company’s merits, rather th Read More

Should You Finance Your Business With Hard Money Business Loans?

Avatar Posted by fundera under Finance
From 2590 days ago
Made Hot by: marketingvalue on June 28, 2017 8:01 am
From traditional bank lenders to alternative financing companies, these days, there are many organizations and individuals willing to lend to your business—no matter your qualification.

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How Amazon Could Dominate Yet Another Industry: Small Business Lending

Avatar Posted by fundera under Finance
From 2590 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on June 26, 2017 8:36 am
If you’ve kept up with the latest on Amazon, then you know that they’re all over the news this month.

Not only did they recently acquire grocery mega-store Whole Foods for a whopping $13.7 billion, they’ve also made a formidable entrance into the small business financing space. Read More

5 Email Scripts to Properly Ask for Late Payments

Avatar Posted by fundera under Marketing
From 2600 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on June 16, 2017 7:44 pm
Invoicing is one of those inevitable things every business encounters. It is the bill you send when the job is done, the document you use to charge for your work. In most countries, invoicing is regulated and required by law, so every company should keep such records for taxation purposes.

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If you’ve ever taken a business class, checked out a business plan template online, or spent time at a corporate conference or retreat, you’ve probably heard the term SWOT analysis thrown around from time to time. You might have even learned the acronym it refers to: strengths, weaknesses, opportun Read More
If you’re reading this, chances aren’t bad that you’re in Florida. The Sunshine State is the nation’s fourth biggest by population and is soon to overtake New York as the third. It’s a state with hundreds of miles of beach, no state income tax, glitzy and glamorous cities, as well as unique natural Read More
A Harvard Business School study shows that nearly half of all small business owners finance their businesses via commercial bank loans. More than a quarter of small business owners (about 38%, in fact) finance their businesses with regional or community bank loans. Read More
PayPal was one of the first companies to bring convenient digital payment options to the masses when it debuted in the late 1990s. Since then, many competing and complementary options have surfaced to create seamless e-commerce experiences for millions of web users. PayPal has evolved too, with a v Read More
If you were to open up your wallet, odds are you’d find an American Express credit card (or business credit card) tucked into a fold.

As a consumer in the United States, you know American Express as one of the biggest credit card issuers in the world. Read More
A common question that tax practitioners often hear from our small business clients is “Why doesn’t my business get a tax refund?” Taxpayers, in general, receive a refund only when they have paid in more tax than was actually due on their return.

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