Leapzone submitted the following stories to BizSugar

How many times do you tell yourself that you’re not ready…the timing is not right, the money is not quite there yet, the kids are too young, etc…Here is the thing. You’re Never Ready. Are you holding yourself back, telling yourself and others that you aren’t ready? Read More


Avatar Posted by leapzone under Startups
From http://www.leapzonestrategies.com 3739 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on May 3, 2014 1:04 pm
I recently undertook a large project. It was an overwhelming task that has taken up the majority of my free time lately. It was difficult to get off-the-ground and started. However, getting it finished has proven even tougher. Read More
If you’ve ever tried to get a client to write a testimonial for you, you’ll know how difficult this can be – even if they’re your number one fan. The problem is, most people hate writing, and a non-urgent task like this will always go to the bottom of the list. Read More
Often we charge right into our week after the weekend. But, starting your week without knowing what you need to do is a recipe for ineffectiveness. That’s where your list comes in. Read More

Pitch Yourself the Right Way!

Avatar Posted by leapzone under Marketing
From http://www.leapzonestrategies.com 4208 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on January 21, 2013 9:46 pm
EXPERT GUEST: An interview with Pitch Expert and Master Storyteller Geoffrey X. Lane. PERFORMANCE TIP OF THE WEEK: Create a winning proposal. www.MyLeapTools.com Read More

Walk Your Talk 

Avatar Posted by leapzone under Marketing
From http://www.leaptv.com 4243 days ago
BRANDING: Reliability – How it impacts your business and credibility. PERFORMANCE TIP OF THE WEEK: Don’t step in your own sandcastle. www.MyLeapTools.com Read More
What’s one thing that you are attached to “cause you’ve invested a lot of time and energy into it” but…deep down, you know that it’s time to let it go? Read More

Are You Delivering with Integrity?

Avatar Posted by leapzone under Marketing
From http://www.leapzonestrategies.com 4257 days ago
Made Hot by: tallpoppy100K on December 2, 2012 5:24 pm
Delivering with integrity also goes beyond ‘doing what you say.’ The truest form of delivering with integrity is all about who you are being when you do things. Read More
A fellow entrepreneur and regular client of mine recently commented that working out was like running a business. “I’m extremely motivated, focused, and goal-oriented when it comes to my business”, she said. “Now I’m doing the same for my fitness!” Read More
Because you want your customers to say:
“I absolutely want to work with you, regardless of price!”

In this economy, you need to be EXTRAORDINARY and always find ways to remain EXTRAORDINARY or you will be eliminated. Period. Read More

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