Lewisevans777 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Creatively Prioritizing Creativity

Avatar Posted by lewisevans777 under Self-Development
From http://tweakyourbiz.com 4063 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on June 17, 2013 7:11 am
As our e-based world increasingly blurs the line between our personal and professional lives, it’s important to make good use of our time. Yet the best approach is usually the one we resist the most. Read More
Whether we’re buying or selling, we have a choice as to how we do business. But, all too often, we attempt to manipulate our transactions through fear or we feel seduced and trapped into decisions that we may not otherwise make. We are so used to these methods that we become inured to them. How can Read More
Growth driven by creativity ensures sustainable success, as the focus is on customer and market awareness, sustaining curiosity and being open to new scenarios. Read More
Creativity is probably the most valuable quality we have. It’s our nature to be creative – otherwise we wouldn’t even be here. Once we stop being creative – in all aspects of our lives – we are literally going no-where. Read More

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