Mallaharidat submitted the following stories to BizSugar

I overheard someone asking “Would you be my mentor?” It’s such a tough question!! You are trying to grow your business and need help. But you know that your chances of getting “yes” are pretty slim. So how do you do it well? Check out my blog post to get some ideas on how to ask in a way that ma Read More
Small business owners often rock at the services that they deliver. But figuring out how to grow your prospect list is one of the most PAINFUL parts of growing a business. Read More
I saw a car on fire during the AM commute. I hoped that the driver was OK. And it made me wonder. Why do people stare intently on events that don’t matter but are cautious about what they can control?

Be clear. I am not pointing fingers. But, if we are going to be successful entrepreneurs, Read More
This is not your traditional "How to start a business list". I am diving into the oft-neglected steps: the things that can trip up entrepreneurs if you don't plan for them. Read More
Did you offer a Black Friday promotion and get less than lackluster results? Perhaps it was your first time and you are totally disappointed that no one purchased. Or you have tried Black Friday sales before but are still not seeing the numbers you want.
So watch the video or read the three bullet Read More
If you are a female starting a business, there are some tips that can really help you launch with confidence. Here is a KEY one that is often hard to move pass. Read More
If you KNOW you need to start your business but have every excuse in the book - No time. Need to learn more. Here are some insights on how to present your brand before you start worrying about marketing your business. Read More

Why summer is a great time to tackle this business goal

Avatar Posted by mallaharidat under Startups
From 2574 days ago
Made Hot by: marketingvalue on July 12, 2017 7:24 am
For my entrepreneurs, summer is a great time to focus on your ONE BIG goal. One that will make a HUGE difference for the second half of your year.

Now before you start screaming that I’m adding more work to your plate, consider this: Read More
Do you have a LinkedIn account? Great! Get a stack of business cards – collecting dust – and add them to your account. The cards which frustrated you because, you didn’t know what to do after you first met the person. But enter the cards in manually. Why? Can’t you automatically upload them? Read More
If you are a one person business owner, you’ve probably had this occurrence. A business/professional issue. A personal issue. Something that causes you to get into a funk – aka you don’t want to get out of bed and your energy is totally lacking. You have no creativity.

I’ll share two tips for ho Read More

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