Marciabiz submitted the following stories to BizSugar

In a move that shocked and surprised people, HubSpot fired its long-time Chief Marketing Officer, Mike Volpe -- in a very public manner. The company issued a press release that spoke of "ethical violations" in connection with attempts to procure a draft of a book being written about the company. Read More
According to research firm IDC, Microsoft is now the 5th largest tablet seller, based on shipments of its Surface Pro tablet designed for business users. Microsoft still only has 1.8% market share but that's better than a year ago when it had zero market share.

And an upbeat ad campaign that fe Read More
This article offers 4 excellent reasons NOT to publish a Kindle ebook, from a consultant who provides Kindle services. The 4 reasons not to publish in Kindle are:

(1) Sales from a Kindle book take time to grow. It's a long term thing. If you need money right now, a Kindle book isn't .. Read More
This article defines terms that are in the news and talked about in the recent U.S. Presidential Debates: "sequester" and "fiscal cliff." If you've wondered what those terms mean and why they are important to small businesses, this article explains it, without taking sides ... Read More

What If Your Franchisor Goes Under?

Avatar Posted by marciabiz under Franchises
From 4446 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Manifesto on May 27, 2012 1:03 am
This interview with franchise attorney Rush Nigut explains some steps to take in the event the franchisor who sold you a franchise, goes under. What should you do in those circumstances? The first thing is, do NOT take a "wait and see" approach. It’s crucial Read More

Beware The Promoted Tweet:: Hashtags Gone Wrong!

Avatar Posted by marciabiz under Social Media
From 4552 days ago
Made Hot by: ZiggyFreud61 on February 12, 2012 7:55 pm
Last weekend was the Superbowl, the huge sporting event in the US (for American football). Superbowl ads have become famous over the years, with many people watching the Superbowl just to see the advertisements.

This year, brands have become savvy about leverging TV and Twitter togeth Read More
This is a comprehensive Guide to giving gifts to clients and employees this Holiday season. It includes information about:

- Who to give gifts to

- 5 Gifting mistakes to avoid, including whether re-gifting is appropriate

- Tips for shipping packages
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