Prussakov submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Multi-Level Marketing (or MLM) is very different from Affiliate Marketing. Yes, in both cases, we observe non-salaried salespeople involved, but the differences are too fundamental to confuse the two. Read More

Choosing an Affiliate Network: The How-To Guide

Avatar Posted by prussakov under Online Marketing
From 1892 days ago
Made Hot by: profmarketing on May 25, 2019 8:40 am
Ready to tap into affiliate marketing, but don't know how to choose the platform that would be most suitable for your affiliate program? This post will help. Read More
To be effective at managing an affiliate program, you must have your affiliate communication nailed down. A solid strategic plan is a must-have. Whether you have one already or not, this guide will equip you with everything you need. Read More
Starting an affiliate marketing program is only the first step. To grow it, you need a sales force to promote your product (or service). This is where affiliate recruitment comes in, and this comprehensive guide walks you through everything you need to know about it. Read More

Affiliate Management Software vs. Affiliate Networks

Avatar Posted by prussakov under Online Marketing
From 1906 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on May 11, 2019 10:00 am
The affiliate marketing technology landscape is chock-full of solutions to use for your affiliate program. How are they similar and where do they differ? This post (and video) dissect these questions, and much more. Read More
Thousands upon thousands of online businesses run affiliate programs. But do you know where to find them? This article dissects 5 ways to find affiliate programs to join. Read More

Ecommerce Email Marketing: Tips and Ideas

Avatar Posted by prussakov under Direct Marketing
From 1915 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggerpalooza on May 4, 2019 12:56 pm
Did you know that email marketing can help you increase your revenue by as much as 50%? It's truly that powerful. This post dives into how to do it right. Read More

Build Affiliate Programs That Generate New Business

Avatar Posted by prussakov under Online Marketing
From 1926 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on April 20, 2019 12:11 pm
While affiliates are great in re-engaging (previously active, but now idle) consumers, they can also be amazingly effective in referring new-to-file customers too! This post discusses 3 strategies to motivate affiliate referrals of new customers. Read More
Pushing an affiliate program live before it is ready to go live is one of the most frequent mistakes. It may substantially hinder its development, or worse: hurt your brand. This checklist dives into 5 key areas that you must double-check prior to launching your next affiliate program. Read More
Every affiliate program must have clearly spelled out rules and policies for affiliates to play by. This post dives into 20 areas that you want to cover in your affiliate program's agreement, leaving no stone unturned. Read More

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