Q4sales submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Managing deals in your sales pipeline might be a bit more time-consuming than you would like. There are customer relationship management tools, sales force management, sales tracking, and apps and tools to fill your holiday basket, not to mention your busy day. Stride is a new web-based application Read More
Networking for small business owners. Some new twists on old ideas to reinvent your networking efforts and drive new business. Read More
I found this article by Marcela and was impressed. It is a question I hear a lot, even though my core work is not SEO, but I thought the BizSugar community would appreciate it. Read More
It is  no surprise that 80 percent of U.S. consumers and, but over 60 percent of Chinese consumers say that they are willing to pay more for products labeled “Made in USA” than for those labeled “Made in China,” according to new research released by The Boston Consulting Group (BCG). In surveying [ Read More
I am in the midst of testing this new cell phone provider, Ting, which is based on the Sprint network in the USA. So far, it is excellent. Great a la carte plans. Cell phone minutes add up quick. If you own or manage a business, you know the variable cost for minutes, texts, and data can grow quick Read More
Social networking is frequently touted as one of the greatest ways to drive new business. Just keep writing, blogging, podcasting, tweeting, or pinning and the sales will follow. Not always true -- you still have to get out there and network, share in person, and shake hands. Biznik helps you combi Read More
Small businesses often need help with SEO. My post at SmallBizTrends lists out 10 free to low cost options for search optimizing your website. Read More
This list of tools and applications can help a small business owner build their first website. It includes free and low-cost options. Read More

12 Most Little Known Tricks to Use On LinkedIn

Avatar Posted by q4sales under Online Marketing
From http://12most.com 4510 days ago
Made Hot by: hbstuart96 on March 23, 2012 4:14 am
Shelly Kramer gives a bunch of great tips to make LinkedIn a power strategy. Worthwhile read. This one stood out for me: Don't use that silly default introduction when you reach out to someone. Spend 20 seconds and write a personal request to connect. Read More
Google Plus business pages may be easy to setup, but *why* should you? Here are a few reasons it may be worth the 5 minute investment. Read More

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