Ricky86 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Google is the best search engine on the Internet but that doesn’t mean it is a perfect one. I was so upset when seeing a significant traffic drop on my site last week. After some research, I figured out that some of my most important keywords are no longer ranked on the first page of Google Search. Read More
My affiliate account has been banned multiple times for different reasons. Some are obvious but some are unclear if you don’t read the ToS (terms of service) carefully. Following are the mistakes you should avoid at all cost. Read More
My niche site has just been sold for $29,900 on Flippa. I am sharing every step to build the site and what I did different to earn higher traffic and income. Read More
Many publishers are confused about the EU Cookie Law, how to implement it properly, and they are not sure if Adsense accounts of US publishers will be banned if they won't follow the rule. Read More
I received the email requesting me to replace some older product links, banners, and widgets or I will not receive commission from those links after August 1st, 2015. Read More
Ads are an inevitable part of our online lives. They are all over the Web because most of the online services we consume are offered to us free of charge. Read More
Amazon is keen on rivaling with Google in every way, and now the company wants to take on the search giant in the online advertising business by planning to create its own software and algorithm to place ads all over the Internet. Read More

Plagiarism: Please Don't Kill The Writers

Avatar Posted by ricky86 under Online Marketing
From http://www.techwalls.com 3654 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on August 1, 2014 6:09 pm
In simple words when you copy content from someone’s blog or website and publish it on your own blog or website under your name, the act is called as Plagiarism. Read More
If you are working to make blogging a full-time job for you, one worry that you may have is keeping your content and your brain fresh if you are clicking away at the keys everyday. Read More
Telecommuting is an effective way for individuals to get work done outside of an office. This can be facilitated through either a home office or a co-working environment common to big cities. Read More

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