Salesevangelist submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Great Sales 2.0 Applications!

Avatar Posted by salesevangelist under Sales
From 5518 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 17, 2009 8:48 pm
It is essential for a sales professional to get a huge number of quality leads in order to widen their market. The advent of new technology has paved way to make this easier for modern sales professionals. There are so many tools, so many platforms, so many softwares, so many websites that a sales professional can utilize to get leads but only one Read More
How much time have you spent learning the language of your buyers. Karl will share how a Sales Evangelist works toward understanding the word choice and vernacular of their contacts by title and industry. By speaking the language of the potential client more can get done in less time. Read More
Find out what questions you can ask yourself to move past the basics of goals and timelines. Another continuation on pipeline management. Read More

SETV Evangelist Episode 17 — How to Engage with Prospects

Avatar Posted by salesevangelist under Sales
From 5526 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 10, 2009 3:01 pm
What does it take to get people to listen every time you call? Cut through the clatter and sales rhetoric. Stop pushing a pitch and start speaking the language of opportunity. In this episode Karl will share the vocabulary that will empower you to engage with your prospects. Read More
Don't waste time in pursuing the leads that do not lead anywhere Read More
A tutorial that will focus on what it means to become a thought leader. Learn more about the benefits of building a reputation as an expert in your industry. Read More
One of my least favorite activities as both a young sales representative and a young sales manager was reviewing pipelines. Why? Because as a young sales person I was never taught what opportunity really meant, and as a young sales manager I was not skilled at teaching others. Read More
In this episode Karl discusses how Sales Evangelists become conduits of new ideas and information. By sharing what others are doing and the results of innovative ideas, we can help people adopt new concepts. Read More

SETV - Episode 14 - Interview with Garth Moulton

Avatar Posted by salesevangelist under Sales
From 5569 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 28, 2009 8:13 pm
Join Garth Moulton from Jigsaw to learn more about lead sourcing. Read More
A review of a tool for sales process management: Landslide. Read More

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