Scottfox submitted the following stories to BizSugar

The new SitePoint podcast features Patrick O'Keefe interviewing 3 time author, Scott Fox, about the new book Click Millionaires.
Listen for new lifestyle design tips that can help you build an Internet businesss that reflects your own goals in life and makes money, too.
Listen online or download Read More
Facebook recently forced everyone to redesign their Facebook pages. Have you upgraded yours yet?

For many folks this "upgrade" left an ugly gap of grey emptiness at the top of their Facebook pages. Does this sound like your page?

Here are 4 easy examples of how I upgraded my Facebook pages Read More
To get interviewed on podcasts as a “Guest Expert” is a great free publicity opportunity today. Here are top tips to help you get more podcast publicity!

Similar to getting booked on radio programs or TV shows, you can get a lot of free publicity and attract attention to your products or your pu Read More
Radio interviews can be yours if you identify radio shows that feature your type of companies, books, or clients and you build a successful relationship with each radio show’s producers.

This article offers 5 tips that unpack the most important factors in answering how to get free publicity inte Read More
Could there still be room for you to make money in SPORTS online? Yes!

Here's a great example of turning a passion into a lifestyle business online.

Matt Rodriguez from the basketball video highlights site joins Scott Fox for this Click Millionaires free podcast interview.
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To promote a book today a winning public relations strategy for authors is to get interviewed on radio, TV, or podcast talk shows.
Getting interviewed as a guest expert on radio, TV, or podcast, can help establish you as an expert in your field, build credibility, and help you sell more books.

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A collection of free articles full of tips to help you get radio publicity interviews and get booked for guest interviews on podcasts.

How to pitch radio and podcast interviewers, how to get booked, the strategies you need to become a radio guest or TV guest.

From, the free Read More
Improving sales from your website isn't that hard, but only IF you know what to do.

IF you know what's missing it's easy enough to change the design a bit, add some calls to action, upgrade your copywriting, or optimize your SEO.

These are all small changes that you can make to your site yo Read More

8 Ways to Invest Your Time for Maximum Return this Holiday Week

Avatar Posted by scottfox under Online Marketing
From 4596 days ago
Made Hot by: Ruth Stone on December 27, 2011 5:22 pm
It's going to be a quiet week. Maybe you even have the week off from work. So what are you going to DO?

Here are 8 small projects that you can do online while everyone else is sleeping off their holidays. Every one will generate a positive ROI for you in 2012.

You won't be surprised if my Read More

Is the Internet BROKEN? (Video)

Avatar Posted by scottfox under Products and Services
From 4609 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on December 18, 2011 5:05 am
Broken. That's what many new e-commerce website owners think when their sites don't make them as much money as they hoped.

But often the problem is not the Internet but the design of their websites.

For example, it's hard to make money online when your e-commerce store doesn't use an e-comm Read More

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