Supermedia submitted the following stories to BizSugar

How to Handle Online Content Thieves

Avatar Posted by supermedia under Online Marketing
From 4137 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on April 8, 2013 9:34 am
Most business people wouldn’t consider stealing somebody else’s online content and presenting it as their own. However, if you’re one of those folks who is diligent about adding original content to your website or blog, chances are you’ll one day find your awesome prose or photos have been pilfered Read More

Putting Your Blog on a Spam-Free Diet

Avatar Posted by supermedia under Online Marketing
From 4139 days ago
Made Hot by: Digitaladvert on April 2, 2013 2:32 pm
If you’ve been blogging for more than four hours, then you’ve no doubt run into the annoying heartbreak of comment spam. Read More
Just because your website can be viewed on a smartphone doesn’t make it a “mobile” website. It’s great if your web pages can shrink down small enough to fit on my phone, but if I have to zoom in (and zoom in, and zoom in) to even read your unclickable phone number or find a map to your location, I’ Read More
Uh oh. Ever have that feeling—the sense of dread of knowing that you messed up? And not just a little bit—a HUGE error. We’ve all done it. Read More
According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), over forty percent of businesses do not reopen after a disaster. Of those that reopen, only twenty-nine percent were still operating after two years. Those who lost their information technology for nine days or more, filed for bankruptcy Read More
Search Engine Optimization and the people who profess to be “experts” at it, still suffer from a sketchy reputation. There have been years and years now of controversy and debate, a fire that is constantly fueled by hyperbole, jargon, ludicrous claims and unfair accusations. Read More
I was visiting a local smoothie franchise a while back, when I ran into a situation that reminded me why it’s so important for businesses to account for mobile devices when they build their websites. When you build a website, make sure that you consider how it will appear on a mobile device. Read More
There’s no point writing about stuff on your website or business blog if no one is looking for any information on it. Right? Read More
Much has been written about using Twitter for business, for networking and for personal use. But what many people forget is that without an informative and useful Twitter bio, it’s virtually impossible to get targeted followers, much less engage meaningfully with them. Read More

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