Tiroberts submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Sleeping Habits of 21 World Renowned Entrepreneurs

Avatar Posted by tiroberts under Management
From http://www.homearena.co.uk 3235 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on September 20, 2015 10:09 am
Of all things, businesses around the world share one thing in common, i.e. fierce competition. This tells us one thing, those who sore above all others under these circumstances in their respective domains of business, are worth following in their ways and methods. Some of the world renowned entrep Read More
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a marketing tool that is used with varying degrees of success. There are many reasons why everyone is not getting the same results with the biggest two being consistency and relevancy to current search engine requirements. Read More
Did you know your LinkedIn profile can help you get a corporate board seat? It can also ruin your chances of getting a corporate board seat! Read More
All businesses, whether large or small, will produce or possess sensitive information. This data must be kept confidential in order to protect the interests of an organization. If you do not dispose of this data in the right manner, it could compromise your company as well as your clients. It is im Read More

How to Be Successful

Avatar Posted by tiroberts under Strategy
From https://www.youtube.com 3457 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on February 10, 2015 2:25 pm
In this video Author Seth Godin argues that one of the main barriers to innovation is the "lizard brain," the primitive part of the human brain adapted for survival. He explains that the lizard brain "loves being a cog in the system" because it's safer than doing something foreign and untested. Read More
In this video is presented by Social Media Strategist Sarah Mincher. Sarah shares on 12 Twitter marketing tips aimed at growing and optimizing small business Twitter account. Read More
Often, customers and real people turn out to be better marketers than we are. Of course, it takes a little creativity to get them involved, but once they get there, you’ll see why their word of mouth is more economical, authentic, and sustainable. Read More
This YouTube video teaches the 4 essentials of marketing your company. It shares useful insight on how companies can market and reach customers. Read More
This video explains the three essential steps to B2B sales cold calling success. It features discussion on Value Assertion, Customer Concerns and Leading Questions. Read More
Will sites like Ello ever replace Facebook? Social media guru Gary Vaynerchuk doesn’t think so.

On a recent episode of his #AskGaryVee series of question and answer videos on YouTube, Vaynerchuk answers questions about the new social network. Read More

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