These stories submitted by SuzyQ will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Smaller online ads may be more effective than larger counterparts, a new study by Dynamic Logic found. The study shows that ad shape and placement may be more important than size. Half banners, at 234 x 60, and 180 x 150 rectangles were shown to be more effective than ads that frame the page, like high-profile leaderboards and skyscrapers. It i Read More
A great article about what it's like to negotiate with Donal Trump and how you can apply this guy's lessons when negotiating with others. Read More
Last November, Geoffrey James asked “Are Trade Show Leads Worth It?“ Almost two-thirds who responded to the poll said “NO”. Does this mean that you shouldn't go to trade shows? Absolutely not! But it does mean that you shouldn't use them for lead generation. Read More

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