Algernon00ps voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Overcoming Paralysis by Analysis

Avatar Posted by AWAI under Startups
From 4114 days ago
Made Hot by: centrifugePR on June 22, 2013 5:41 pm
Carefree Entrepreneur Scot Bruesewitz is enthusiastic about determining his (and his family’s) financial destiny by starting his own business. His passions are literature, current events, and fly fishing.

“I have a burning desire to make this work and be able to provide a better lifestyle for my Read More
Statistics are some of most powerful tools in the marketing world.

Stats are very powerful when it comes to build trust.

Stats can do even more. Try to open your post with an astonishing data and you’ll notice that many more people will read it. Read More

The art of finish

Avatar Posted by tathan under Self-Development
From 4114 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on June 22, 2013 6:01 pm
There is a good and a bad way of finishing a procedure, or not? You can find some thoughts that would help you to draw a conclusion. Read More

Want More Loyal Customers? Just Smile!

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Products and Services
From 4114 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on June 22, 2013 8:41 am
If you want more business, you should embrace customer loyalty and personalized service - and start smiling and greeting. Read More

How to Grow Your Shop Without Losing Your Mind

Avatar Posted by HomeBusinessMedia under Strategy
From 4114 days ago
Made Hot by: seobromino on June 17, 2013 2:56 pm
What does it look like to grow an artisan or Etsy business today?
Good news: It’s not adding X number of new workers to the assembly line or going public just to cash out. Today, the question of business growth is really about understanding where you want to take your business in terms of reach, d Read More
By now, most businesses have gotten the message that fresh, compelling content is the key to a successful digital marketing strategy, but many small B2B companies struggle to keep their content updated often enough to achieve optimum results... Read More
Do you have the perfect idea for a product but lack the capital to make it come to life? Then crowdfunding could be just what you need.
It gives you the ability to raise money from a collective group of people who are connected through the internet and want to support your project...
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Startup Advice From 7 Successful Entrepreneurs

Avatar Posted by Squawk Media under Startups
From 4114 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on June 17, 2013 3:20 pm
Starting a business can be exhausting, exciting and exhilarating–all at the same time. This is precisely why it’s refreshing to hear words of encouragement from those who have done it before–and succeeded. We spoke with entrepreneurs we admire to cull the single best bit of startup advice they coul Read More

Why Marketing Automation Isn't Improving Your Marketing

Avatar Posted by KEXINO under Marketing
From 4114 days ago
Made Hot by: businessgross on June 22, 2013 9:26 am
There are many marketing automation products available to help reduce the inertia and increase productivity. But using them means one less excuse as to why your marketing’s not working. Read More
Many of those who live in the virtual office have seen some of the limitations of email as a communications medium firsthand.

Today's post will cover scenarios where it can be a good idea to have a backup communications channel in place.
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