AngelBiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

“What business are you in?” How you answer this question business can determine the success or failure of your business down the road. Read More
How do you move past the business idea you have in your head to reality? More important, how do you know that this idea will succeed and will not leave you with agony and angst when it’s all over? Read More
Small business owners can learn great lessons from the mistakes made by Netflix recently in terms of making changes that impacted that loyal customers and made they leave the company. Read More
Cash flow is a lifeblood for small business. That’s why it is very important to keep a keen eye on money coming in and going out, and plan for those times when you will need sizeable cash outflow. This post shows examples of the cash flow mistakes many small business owners make and how you can avo Read More
Sending inconsistent messages to customers through your actions can harm small business owners greatly. To provide consistent message all departments within your business have to work in harmony like well-oiled machine. The proven techniques described here can help you build customer loyalty and im Read More
Cash flow management is one of the most important tasks small business owners need to pay attention to. If you are not paying attention to how your business generates and spends cash you may end up in real trouble, real fast. Cash flow management touches many parts of business, including inventory Read More
Sending inconsistent signals to customers through your actions can harm your business greatly. All the departments have to work in harmony to ensure that customers do not receive the same treatment they have come to expect by doing business with you over time. Read More
Using the two-step approach described in this post your business can find the right customers your business can serve and benefit from. Read More
Most small business owners hate credit card processing companies for the exorbitant amount of money they charge. That is why it is important to do your homework before you sign up with the merchant processing company. Read More
Many small business owners are scared of competing against their larger rivals. However, you can beat them at their own game and become a very successful small business owner. In this post we explain how you can do this. Read More

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