AngelBiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The most difficult decisions you will ever make are the ones where you decide NOT to move forward. The framework in this post helps to make the choice and arrive at the right decision. Read More
The most difficult decisions you will ever make are the ones where you decide NOT to go ahead. The benefits you can achieve from saying NO are numerous. Before you decide to take on yet another project you need to take a step back, breathe deeply and figure out whether it is the right thing to do g Read More
By applying customer suggestion tactics small business owners can improve sales by 25%. This post shows practical ideas for implementing customer suggestion tactics. Read More
By applying customer suggestion tactics small business owners can improve sales by 25%. The key is to do it in a way such that the customers do not feel as if they are being forced into buying something they do not want to. This post describes best practices in customer suggestions. Read More
If you are not applying customer suggestion tactics in the small business you are missing out on 25% of current sales. Customer suggestions not only help business owners improve sales and margin, but also they can help customers make choices quickly. It's a win-win for everyone. Read More
What is it about the partnership that brings different reactions from different sets of people? In this article we will highlight the pros and cons of being in a partnership. Read More
This five step plan helps you take decisive actions to remove trouble spots in your small business and avoid unfortunate demise that many businesses face when they fail to act on the warning signs. Read More
Looking for a warning sign is just the first step in fixing your business and making it better. Once you have received the red sign you need to interpret it, find the underlying causes and correct them. This post shows how to interpret the warning signs to find trouble spots in your business. Read More
For small business owners it is imperative to stay on top of the business like a hawk. In this post we look at 5 parameters that give you early warning signs that can tell if your business is headed for trouble. Read More
When reducing cost for small business you need to take a systematic approach using surgical knife instead of using machete. In this post we show 15 simple steps you can take to reduce cost without impacting operations and customer service. Read More

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