Angie593 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you want your startup business to succeed, it is vital to cater to millennials, now the largest generation in the American workforce, according to Pew Research Center. Professionals born between 1980 and 1996 crave engagement at their jobs, and if they aren’t satisfied, they’ll leave, 2016 Gallu Read More
Tesla is accelerating the world’s transition to sustainable transportation and electricity consumption by designing and manufacturing electric vehicles and energy storage systems.

You will be expected to challenge and to be challenged, to create, and to innovate. These jobs are not for everyone; Read More

How to create the perfect work from home office space

How to create the perfect work from home office space  - Avatar Posted by LashonMcclure under Self-Development
From 2792 days ago
Made Hot by: adamhh on November 16, 2016 10:49 am
We know there are a number of benefits to working from home; the desk is less than a minute away, unlimited tea and coffee and flexibility in picking the office temperature without upsetting anyone else. Read More
If your software is struggling to get into a usable state, it’s probably because you’re overlooking testing.

Testing is important for two main reasons:

1. Tests will reveal flaws in your software
2. Tests will reveal flaws in your software development process Read More

Success Requires the Quality of Persistence

Success Requires the Quality of Persistence - Avatar Posted by CorporateCoachG under Self-Development
From 2792 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on November 17, 2016 9:50 am
Whenever you fail, don't give up on your goal. Instead, rewrite your plan. Some people, whenever they meet any setback or defeat, see it as a signal to change their goal, instead of their plan. Read More
You need an integrated, embedded BI tool to support business users; one that is mobile, accessible, has sophisticated tools, and is easy to use and access. Read More
Every entrepreneur I know feels the pressure of the thousands of things that need to get done, all seemingly at the same time. There is just not enough time! The real solution is better productivity and less procrastination, to put you back in control of your business. You need to spend more time e Read More
This study, conducted through ConversionXL Institute, is the first of a multi-part pricing page study providing data on how people consume pricing plans depending on the plan’s layout design. Read More

16 Outlook Extensions to Improve Your Productivity

  16 Outlook Extensions to Improve Your Productivity - Avatar Posted by ferdiepre13 under Resources
From 2793 days ago
Made Hot by: BenMulholland on November 14, 2016 4:36 pm
Love or hate Microsoft, if your company uses Outlook, you need it to check in with your team, communicate with customers, and coordinate events. Read More

How to Reduce Churn and Save Your Doomed SaaS Product

How to Reduce Churn and Save Your Doomed SaaS Product  - Avatar Posted by Ihya1324 under Startups
From 2793 days ago
Made Hot by: bockmary7 on November 15, 2016 2:24 pm
Churn is the rate that customers cancel their subscriptions to your software. It can happen either because your product isn’t giving them enough value, or it can happen because of a failed payment method.
Read More

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