Angie593 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Topo Revenue Summit is an intensive, engaging learning experience that brings together sales leaders from high growth companies to share specific best practices, patterns, and plays for driving scalable revenue growth.

Join Topo Revenue Summit to see firsthand how the world’s best sales organiza Read More

The Revolution of Standard Procedures for Small Businesses

The Revolution of Standard Procedures for Small Businesses  - Avatar Posted by Liz_062 under Strategy
From 2796 days ago
Made Hot by: joannw2016 on November 9, 2016 9:12 am
Standard Procedures used to be firmly planted in the realm of corporations.

They were (and often still are) thick manuscripts of dense checklists and instructional material. Point 1.1 referring to point and on and on.
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4 Tips for Effortlessly Onboarding Remote Employees

4 Tips for Effortlessly Onboarding Remote Employees  - Avatar Posted by andriawhack under Human Resources
From 2796 days ago
Made Hot by: bockmary7 on November 10, 2016 2:34 pm
For all the benefits that remote workers can bring to your company, onboarding remote employees can be much more difficult than traditional hires. You need to consider everything the usual onboarding process entails and more. To name just two of the issues, human beings in general are harder to mot Read More

What is Quality Control? An Introduction for Software Companies

What is Quality Control? An Introduction for Software Companies  - Avatar Posted by shatekpatrick under Technology
From 2796 days ago
Made Hot by: ferdiepre13 on November 9, 2016 10:15 am
For software companies, failure doesn’t always have such wide implications but it can mean carelessly shipping a product that creates catastrophic problems for your customers and destroys their trust in you. And of course, it’s a pain in the arse for your development team to fix. Read More
Today, there are plenty of marketing tools with downright amazing capabilities that are perfect for SMBs.

The nine tools discussed in this post will give you enterprise-grade technology at affordable prices. Read More
ICICI Bank CEO and MD Chanda Kocchar has emerged as an inspiration to women everywhere. Being on the top position in the corporate world, she is also a doting mother. Spouse - Deepak Kochhar Read More

8 Productivity Tips For Entrepreneurs Who Want To Be Successful

8 Productivity Tips For Entrepreneurs Who Want To Be Successful  - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Self-Development
From 2796 days ago
Made Hot by: uttoransen on November 11, 2016 10:17 am
Try to be as productive as possible during the finite number of hours per week that are available for these important, goal-oriented endeavors. To help you out, here are 8 productivity tips that will help you hustle and achieve success as an entrepreneur faster and easier. Read More

How First Impressions Impact Employee Retention

How First Impressions Impact Employee Retention - Avatar Posted by ferdiepre13 under Human Resources
From 2797 days ago
Made Hot by: BenMulholland on November 7, 2016 4:26 pm
Effective onboarding processes for new employees can make all the difference in the world when it comes to retaining employees. Understanding how first impressions impact employee retention can greatly change how you conduct your employees’ first day of work.

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How To Future-Proof Your Digital Agency

How To Future-Proof Your Digital Agency  - Avatar Posted by joannw2016 under Strategy
From 2797 days ago
Made Hot by: zolachupik on November 8, 2016 1:46 pm
Managing a digital agency is never a simple task. You have many balls in the air at once and plenty of competing deadlines and priorities. Micro agencies in particular often end up operating more like individual freelancers with fewer formal procedures in place.
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You’d expect a video startup to have a wealth of wisdom on video creation, production, and editing, but this episode is insane.
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