Angie593 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

How do you manage people you can’t see?

Hiring remote employees has become an option that numerous industries have started doing, but that comes with a problem…

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When implemented in the right way, SaaS content marketing can be one of the most powerful tools to build your product’s awareness and foster a devoted customer base that will ultimately comprise enthusiastic promoters of your message.

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If you’re running a startup, you can use every little bit of help you can get.

But to justify an administrative assistant or office manager, you’ll probably need to have raised a big seed round of over $1 million or have bootstrapped your company past 10 employees. Otherwise, that extra help get Read More
When you think of team building, it probably summons up one of two images:

* Awkwardly passing balloons between your legs at school
* Awkwardly falling backwards into to the arms of an awkward colleague

It’s something managers and employees shy away from because no one wants to be part of me Read More
No wonder ‘The Cloud’ is becoming the favored choice for many entrepreneurs, tech developers and business owners. The facility to ensure data security and enable ease of data accessibility has ensured a rising obsession towards leveraging cloud technology to create better and more relevant products Read More
As a kid playing games, you didn’t stay up for hours because of the music, the graphics, or the storyline. Rather, it was because the games were so difficult that any kind of achievement was a massive deal for your 8-year-old self.
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How will you know if what you’re writing is any good? You write to the best of your abilities, so to you even the most poorly received article was supposed to be good.

An editor, however, will be able to sniff out weakness straight away.

* The opening line is weak
* I lost interest during th Read More
Ever had to listen to yourself repeating the same instructions to coworkers? Or struggling to remember how to complete a task you last tackled a month ago? Remember feeling frustrated by the time and effort wasted? It doesn’t have to be this way. Read More

20+ Tools for Distributed Staff Augmentation

20+ Tools for Distributed Staff Augmentation - Avatar Posted by andriawhack under Resources
From 2808 days ago
Made Hot by: trivedirock91 on October 26, 2016 7:34 am
Distributed staff, as in remote, offsite, or on the beach employees are the great fit when your organization values align. Though for some, like Yahoo’s telecommuters, remote employees aren’t working out.
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How to Start an Online Store that Generates $3m in Annual Revenue

How to Start an Online Store that Generates $3m in Annual Revenue  - Avatar Posted by LashonMcclure under Startups
From 2808 days ago
Made Hot by: allkitchens on November 2, 2016 12:00 pm
Jon Butt built an e-commerce store that generates $3m in annual revenue. He also shows people how to build a successful, self-marketing company.
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