Angie593 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Customer success is a necessity.

For your SaaS business to survive, your team must focus on solving the consumer’s problem.
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WordPress is a robust platform – its vast array of plugins and themes enable users to build beautiful and functional websites. However, WordPress’ best feature is arguably its potential for integration with virtually any other online service available. To underscore this point, in this article we’l Read More
Your systems and procedures are the operations manual for your entire business. Anything that is a repetitive task, needs a step-by-step guide, so that someone (besides you), can use it for reference and do the job without you having to constantly manage them.
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This article isn’t about a business proposal — also known as a quote — but instead about the document required when formally pitching an idea for action and execution by managers or department heads.
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You might think I’m about to tell you to get up as the sun rises, sit down at your desk and work until you can’t work any more. That’s probably because you’ve heard advice like this pretty often…
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Before their launch of Instagram Domination 2.0, Foundr had done a couple of smaller scale launches, but nothing as ambitious as this.
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The only thing we can hope to do is to live up to the expectations of our users. Now, that might not sound particularly creative, but it’s sometimes necessary in the era where even doors—an object that’s existed since the dawn of architecture—can be a source of confusion. Read More

Cold Emailing Sales Tips from the Founder of PersistIQ

Cold Emailing Sales Tips from the Founder of PersistIQ  - Avatar Posted by joannw2016 under Sales
From 2822 days ago
Made Hot by: zolachupik on October 10, 2016 3:12 pm
Cold emailing isn’t just blasting huge lists of random leads. That’s the kind of thinking that ruins your brand and throws your list of prospects out the window. In fact, it’s possible with a small list and just one salesperson, especially if you have the right tools and attitude.
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Top 10 tools and resources for systems and project management

Top 10 tools and resources for systems and project management - Avatar Posted by zolachupik under Resources
From 2825 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on October 10, 2016 12:32 pm
Creating systems in your business is what will help you create freedom in your life, and having the right tools and resources to make it happen is integral.
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Why Windows 98's User Onboarding is Better Than Yours

Why Windows 98\'s User Onboarding is Better Than Yours - Avatar Posted by Ihya1324 under Success Stories
From 2825 days ago
Made Hot by: ahouronthis on October 7, 2016 5:32 pm
Reading through Microsoft’s 1995 Interface Guidelines is like unearthing a lost relic. The 381-page tome — for designers creating Windows apps — got me thinking about how much has changed, not only with Microsoft but with software overall. The guidelines are ahead of their time.

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