BChignell voted on the following stories on BizSugar

A study by LondonOffices.com says that approx 3pm is the most unproductive time of day at work. Luckily there’s a few easy ways to revive your focus and attention to the tasks in hand to get through the 3pm productivity slump. Read More
Whether you’re increasing your network, looking for new opportunities or growing your influence as an industry expert, optimising to get more LinkedIn profile views is an important factor you need to consider. Read More
Unwinding is more important than ever in our hectic lives, if you can’t avoid the stress in the first place then you need to reduce it. Below are 9 ways to unwind. Read More
Working life is often a challenge, largely due to the amount of effort required to progress and the work we must consistently complete on a daily basis in order to be successful.
As business grows and your career progresses, your everyday workload can be increasingly time consuming and your daily Read More
It’s no surprise that setting yourself challenges is a great way to stay motivated, inspired and improve your self development. Long term challenges are all well and good but in this day and age, where everything is in a snippet and our attention spans are getting shorter and shorter, short term ch Read More

10 Productivity Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

Avatar Posted by BChignell under Management
From http://www.ciphr.com 3257 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on August 30, 2015 1:58 pm
Productivity is about completing tasks well, not rushing them, risking mistakes and potentially the need to redo part or all of the task.
As the tortoise taught us it’s better to work steadily through our to do list to the best of our abilities than race through several tasks with the minimum amou Read More
Looking for a job? Why would an employer choose you over the other candidates who may well have just as much experience as you and be just as qualified?
Ask yourself the above question, can you honestly say that you can offer more than the next person lined up to interview for the position YOU sho Read More
There are many arguments in favour of ‘working from anywhere’, both from the employee’s and employer’s perspective and, now that SaaS technology is commonplace, telecommuting is no longer a luxury. Here are five often overlooked reasons to telecommute. Read More
Optimising your presence on LinkedIn is as important as creating a well written CV. Below are 17 quick tips to get the most from the professional network. Read More
Twitter’s one of the most popular social channels to engage and attract people, and with good reason; whether you’re using your brand’s social profile to attract more customers, build and nurture passive talent, increase your reputation as an industry expert – or all three – being visible above the Read More

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