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Top 5 Most Useful Android Applications for Bloggers

Avatar Posted by geekstrack under Technology
From 4191 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on April 12, 2013 1:10 pm
Smartphones and tablets are very common today, and It’s a mandatory thing for a blogger, if you are a blogger then you should have a Smartphone to keep in touch with your blog and social networks, there are thousands of applications are available for bloggers in Google play store, but only a few ar Read More
Not long ago, Google teamed up with the brand Intuit to dish out a special offering for those who reside in Georgia. This particular offering is a google free website for a business, which comes packed with a free website builder to help those who are inexperienced at building websites. Read More

Is Multitasking More Efficient?

Avatar Posted by saragsw under Self-Development
From 4191 days ago
Made Hot by: Marketing_Mashup on April 8, 2013 2:58 am
Does it really do more good than harm? In this article, we will answer these questions, test our multitasking abilities, and gain an insight on the most efficient way to increase productivity. Read More
So many businesses wonder why their likes are not translating into more revenues. This post explains why more Facebook likes does not suddenly mean that your business is awesome. It's still all about customer experience on social media, on your website and in your store or office. Read More
Email marketing should be the bread and butter of your online business. Part of having a strong responsive list not only comes from your offer, but from your relationship with your subscribers. Find out how to build your list and a relationship with your subscribers. Read More

28 Awesome Content Marketing Resources for Small Businesses

Avatar Posted by absar under Social Media
From 4192 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on April 12, 2013 3:49 pm
Is content marketing just a fad? Should you seriously consider content marketing for your business? How should you start your content marketing campaign? In this article I'll answer these questions and also point you to some terrific online resources to help you begin content marketing. Read More
Smartphones, tablets, music, pens and paper--all these might be items you'd expect an entrepreneur to carry while traveling. But how about a biosensor to track exercise, sleep and heart rate, something "orange," a weight vest, or how about a device designed to alter the users mood? They're all part Read More
Singing star Lady Gaga has created a global brand using a consistent message of kindness and tolerance. Her fans respond in kind. They understand and appreciate Gaga's brand and what it represents. Have you created a brand that spreads your message effectively? Read More
Here are six social media skills every business leader needs to develop. Internet and social marketing consultant John Cullen runs down information from McKinsey Quarterly's Global Survey about the leadership skills needed to adapt and implement social marketing technologies at small to medium size Read More

Business Tech: Facebook Home App Changes Communications

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under News
From 4193 days ago
Made Hot by: Monsieur Eraser on April 7, 2013 3:02 pm
Facebook announced its new Home App for Android at a press conference yesterday. Make no mistake, this app is more than a toy. Facebook home will initially be available on HTC One, HTC One X, Samsung Galaxy SIII, Samsung Galaxy S4 and Samsung Galaxy Note II. Features include visually rich updates f Read More

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