BIZantium voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Why do SMBs continue to ignore Social Media?

Avatar Posted by chrissyastbury under Social Media
From 4303 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on December 19, 2012 6:34 pm
Our latest blog explores the question: "Why do SMB's continue to ignore Social Media?" And we give a few simple social media tips for small businesses just getting started in social media marketing. Read More

Social Media Scheduling: Creating Time For Your Business

Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Social Media
From 4303 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on December 19, 2012 8:04 pm
A way around spending too much time on Social Media is to schedule your updates to get your message across at times you know your customers will be online and you will get better reach.

Here are some apps and ways to create more time for your business by spending less time on Social Media. Read More
Whether it's running or business, having someone (or something) to compete against can push you to achieve so much more than you would otherwise be capable of. Read More

And the Word of the Year for 2012 Was ...

Avatar Posted by resonancesocial under Online Marketing
From 4303 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on December 19, 2012 8:53 pm
2012 had its impressive share of buzzwords, but as we prepare to wind up the year, one emerges above all others. Read More

50 Acts of Kindness You Can Do for Your Customers

Avatar Posted by viclogic under Customer Service
From 4303 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on December 19, 2012 8:30 pm
Here’s a list of 50 random acts of kindness you can do for your customers. Helping them can help you in achieving your business success. But remember to do good things to others without expecting anything in return. Read More

A vision can lead to increased productivity, profitability

Avatar Posted by blfarris under Strategy
From 4303 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on December 21, 2012 3:36 am
Businesses that are guided by a vision statement tend to have more engaged and productive employees. Read More
Procrastination is the evil, dirty troll that sits in the corner glowering at you, sucking your time and energy - you need to do something about it! Read More

CEOs and the Free Throw Headache

Avatar Posted by IanDSmith under Human Resources
From 4303 days ago
Made Hot by: DMDdistribution on December 20, 2012 1:53 am
Using the analogy with sports and specifically the ironic fact that a world class basketball player can't shoot free throws, what skills do world class CEOs sometimes lack? Read More

The Uselessness of "Constructive" Criticism

Avatar Posted by steveamiller under Self-Development
From 4303 days ago
Made Hot by: BIZantium on December 20, 2012 1:02 am
During a recent free, live webinar, I apparently made the mistake of taking a drink of coffee and fixing one of my lights, which took a grand total of 27.1 seconds of one viewer's valuable time. She sent an email complaining as such.

I responded that she took herself too seriously and Read More
Of course, as a business person, you are probably already active on LinkedIn. You've built a network, joined some groups relevant to your business, and hopefully you are sharing information regularly on the site in order to forge new connections and to strengthen additional ones. Used correctly, Li Read More

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