Caron_Beesley voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you already have, or intend to roll-out telework practices, here are some of the things you need to know about maintaining compliance with the laws and regulations that govern remote employees. Read More
Are you a teenager or in your early 20s? Do you have a great business idea? Perhaps you’re already making headway towards starting your own business.
But how do you get others to believe in you and your business idea? Here are eight surefire ways that you can be taken seriously as a young en Read More
Thanks to innovations in financial technology, the days of relying on personal credit to secure business financing are over. But that doesn’t mean you can throw away concerns about your personal credit score. Bad credit still holds sway over other areas of your business, many of which are often ove Read More

5 Small Business Meetups for Business Owners in Washington D.C.

Avatar Posted by Caron_Beesley under Management
From 2544 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on August 11, 2017 2:22 pm
Washington D.C isn’t just the home to politicians and powerbrokers, the city and surrounding counties are a hub of entrepreneurial activity. With the largest purchaser of goods and services in the world on its doorstep (the federal government) and an affluent, highly-educated population, the opport Read More

6 Tips for Paying Off Small Business Debt

Avatar Posted by Caron_Beesley under Finance
From 2549 days ago
Made Hot by: luvhealthcare on August 8, 2017 2:42 pm
63% of small business owners have some form of debt (source: SBA). Business debt is not a bad thing as business credit is essential for small business growth.

For business owners who take on business debt, it is good practice to plan your repayment ahead. This article covers some common mistakes Read More
As short-term rentals have grown beyond a cottage industry, regulators are playing catch-up. Spurred by complaints from neighboring residents and the traditional hotel industry, cities are enacting laws to regulate short-term rentals across the nation. Below are answers to five commonly asked quest Read More

4 Ways to Ease the Burden of Small Business Regulations

Avatar Posted by Caron_Beesley under Management
From 2629 days ago
Made Hot by: JoshRed on May 18, 2017 11:45 am
Confused and frustrated by small business regulations? You’re not alone. Small business owners spend between 1-5 hours a week dealing with taxes, healthcare, labor laws, and occupational safety and health. Also, these laws and regulations change so often that SBOs are always playing a game of catch Read More
The $31 billion security services market is facing new opportunities for growth, so it’s a great time to invest in starting and growing a security business. How should you go about it and what growth strategies should you be using to compete effectively? Here are four tips for today’s market. Read More

6 Ways to Cope with a Personal Crisis as a Small Business Owner

Avatar Posted by Caron_Beesley under Management
From 2650 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on April 28, 2017 2:42 am
Personal crises happen all the time and take many forms. Perhaps you or a loved one gets ill, or a natural disaster puts you out of operation for days. Whatever the cause, a personal crisis is one of the most challenging scenarios a small business owner can face, often resulting in lost work, lost Read More
Janitorial businesses make a significant contribution to the U.S economy and predictions show that over the next five years a robust economy will see a lift in demand. Here are nine tips for getting a share of that pie and grow your janitorial business. Read More

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