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May I recommend an author to you?

Go onto the web and find James Allen: and his small book “As a man thinketh”.

It is a free e-book because the copywrite has expired.

I have paraphrased some of James Allen’s work below.
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Trust is a vital element in the relationships within a team.
Trust is an emotion.
You trust other people to the degree that you believe they will do all that they say they will do.

You trust other people to the degree you believe they will NOT do what they promise they won’t do.

How can we develop this vital element in our character? Read More
Each year has four seasons - Spring, summer, autumn, and winter (It is in the winter that we have most trouble.)

Each work project has the same four seasons. Spring, summer, autumn and winter. We sometimes find ourselves in a “winter of discontent”.

Thios article discusses how to ride out the storm of a recession. Read More
The vast majority of people using social media are not getting the results they are looking for. If this is the case for you, by changing your approach you may be able to move into that group that is able to get big results with social media. Check this list to see of any of these issues apply to you. Read More

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