Dan_Swords voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Tips for Getting Your Blog Off the Ground Successfully

Avatar Posted by Dan_Swords under Online Marketing
From http://danswords.com 2254 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on May 28, 2018 7:57 am
One of the things that’s so appealing about starting a blog is that anyone can do it, and with the right idea, execution, and planning, anyone can succeed at it too. It’s an entirely democratic platform in that way. If you’re about to start a blog for the first time in 2018, there are some things t Read More
Content discovery platform StumbleUpon is shutting down on June 30th, after 16 years in operation.

Launched in 2002, before the days of Facebook and Twitter, StumbleUpon was how many web users ‘stumbled’ on new content they weren’t directly searching for. Read More
We’ve all heard the term “less is more”. And we’ve been told this applies for landing pages too. I.e. your forms should be short and only ask for only the bare minimum of required information if you want to convert. Read More
Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we run out of things to write.
It happens to all of us. I wouldn’t call it writer’s block, maybe more of a writer’s speed bump.

To help you get rolling again, look at some of your old posts and give them a new spin. Read More
We’ve all heard the old cliche – less is more. But, is it really true? When it comes to web design, the answer is yes. Taking the time to streamline your website will create a better user experience and serve your business better. Read More

Why No One Is Reading Your Blog Post

Avatar Posted by Dan_Swords under Online Marketing
From http://danswords.com 2258 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggerpalooza on May 23, 2018 2:40 pm
Let’s face it. You are not the only blogger out there. And neither am I. Every day there is a ton of content being written and honestly, most of it is duplicate content. With all that new content, how can you get your reader interested in your post? Read More
I wanted to sell my websites and just get back to taking care of household.

But then, fortunately, very soon after this thought popped up, I bounced back with twice the strength and confidence (thanks to my hubby).

After I was stabilized, I went back and analyzed what caused the thought and w Read More
Social media is a powerful marketing tool for top brands and small businesses. But do you know how to make it work? Here are 5 creative ways to make social media work for your business Read More
Part 2 of my series, How to Monetizing Your Website.
Blogging costs money and takes a lot of our time.
There are costs involved with your web provider, domain registration, and website development and plugins.
Check out these tips to recoup some of your costs by monetizing your website today! Read More
Increase your twitter engagement with these three easy to do tips.
Follow these three easy to do right-now tips to increase your Twitter engagement, TODAY! Read More

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