FrankenBlogger voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Startups Need Teamwork Entering the Perfect Storm

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 4341 days ago
Made Hot by: Ruth Stone on November 10, 2012 5:31 am
A "perfect storm" is an expression that describes an event where a rare combination of circumstances aggravate an environment drastically. In the entrepreneur world, I feel we are in such a situation now for new startups, with the confluence of business recession/recovery, the explosion of new digi Read More
Working from home can truly be an amazing convenience, but at times, it can be a real drag. Working alone, spending most of your days and nights in one place, and the countless number of distractions are something to get use to. But, working from home doesn't always have to be this way. Below are 9 Read More

Smart Marketing – Are You Touching All The Bases?

Avatar Posted by JackieP under Marketing
From 4349 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Manifesto on November 1, 2012 9:44 pm
Smart Marketing is about listening, and being helpful and delivering to your market. Here's what dissecting a piece of direct mail can teach you. Read More
Issue: Employee retention problems which is due to a very unpredictable flow of work requiring employees to be ultra flexible with their work availability. Read More

Basic Payroll Rules for Startups

Avatar Posted by expertbusiness under Management
From 4350 days ago
Made Hot by: tallpoppy100K on October 31, 2012 6:29 pm
The quickest way to halt your company’s productivity is to stop paying your employees. Ensure you never miss a payment with these tips. Read More

Google/Apple/Nokia: Why Software Patents Are a Bad Idea

Avatar Posted by jeffyablon under Select...
From 4351 days ago
Made Hot by: dEvangelize on October 30, 2012 8:55 pm
Google's new version of Android, reveals why they crippled the Nexus 7. SmartPhones and tablets have a software patent problem. Apple? Nokia? Business Change? Read More

Not Using Google+? - Why Your Business Competition Will Crush You

Avatar Posted by massrealty under Online Marketing
From 4356 days ago
Made Hot by: cherry93 on October 27, 2012 12:45 am
Why using Google+ is a must for every business owner. Google+ is one of the best social media/SEO tools available to anyone who wants to increase their online visibility. Read More

When Saying “No” Is In Your Best Interest

Avatar Posted by IntelBoutique under Strategy
From 4356 days ago
Made Hot by: crystalx72 on October 28, 2012 1:42 am
Have you ever struggled with saying “no” to a client but really wanted to?  When we first get our companies up and running and we’re always looking for people to do business with and “no” is the last word we ever want to use.  We’re afraid we’ll turn a profitable situation away or turn people off b Read More
Are you mainly focusing on Google search for traffic?

Well, have you considered Bing? This article goes over Bing's major ranking factors and helps you decide which traffic is easier to get (Bing's or Google's). Read More
If you are not familiar with marketing on Pinterest, then it is time for you to get on board! There are some interesting things you can do to help improve your use of Pinterest. I have listed five valuable tips to increase quality traffic to your products, services, or sites. Read More

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