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For most entrepreneurs, owning a small business means longer working hours than everybody else. The average small-business owner works 52 hours a week, according to a study by New York marketing firm Willard & Shullman. Meanwhile, May figures from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate that t Read More
Are you having trouble making ends meet? Do you need to find a way to generate some extra income? If so, which way do you go? If you’re like me, you can check the myriad of business opportunities that will allow you to earn money. However, you may soon find yourself buried in more material that you Read More

How to Get that Perfect Business Name : PowerHomeBiz.com

How to Get that Perfect Business Name  : PowerHomeBiz.com - http://www.powerhomebiz.com Avatar Posted by sundaydriver under Strategy
From http://www.powerhomebiz.com 4003 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on July 23, 2013 12:38 pm
It’s true: creating a good name for your business or products is crucial to long term success. In general, business names should be short, easy to say and spell and the product or business name should “stick” in the minds of the consumer. That much we know. Read More
Michael Gerber wrote a very popular book entitled The E Myth Revisited about the myths of Entrepreneurship. He explained that there are three skills necessary for an Entrepreneur to win. Gerber said that entrepreneurs must posses and exercise all three of the following skills to succeed at business Read More
The selection of the right product or service is critical. In fact, the choice of a product or service for your business can make or break your business. Choose a product that requires significant production capital when you have none and couldn’t find any, and your business is compromised from the Read More
Last week, I began working on my first commercial Facebook marketing project, but faced difficulties deciding where to begin. After doing some research and brainstorming, I came up with 10 questions that I feel all initial Facebook marketing plans should address. Should you find them not useful, le Read More

How To Build An App To Promote Your Company

How To Build An App To Promote Your Company  - http://arkenea.com Avatar Posted by rvarshneya under Technology
From http://arkenea.com 4003 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on July 23, 2013 8:26 am
The mobile space is really gaining ground and increasingly companies and individuals are starting to get more traction through this medium. Just take for instance Read More

Data Driven Marketing: It's About Them, Not You

Data Driven Marketing: It's About Them, Not You  - http://www.v3im.com Avatar Posted by mmangen under Marketing
From http://www.v3im.com 4003 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on July 23, 2013 12:22 pm
Data driven marketing, personalization, customization and more makes the focus on your customers and their needs. And it makes you more money--what's not to like? Read More

Why & How to Use Google+ for Business | CateCosta.com

Why & How to Use Google+ for Business | CateCosta.com - http://www.catecosta.com Avatar Posted by CateCosta under Social Media
From http://www.catecosta.com 4004 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on July 23, 2013 7:08 am
Google+ hasn't always gotten much respect as a key social media channel for business promotion, but that’s changing. Google+ is growing rapidly and provides some extra benefits that some of the other big players don’t. Read More
This article aims to provide some tips as to how you can transform your blog into an online lead generation machine. Read More

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