GenuineSEOnet voted on the following stories on BizSugar

What Would Your Customers Think Of Your Sales Training?

What Would Your Customers Think Of Your Sales Training?  - Avatar Posted by raycollis under Sales
From 4323 days ago
Made Hot by: Evan Collins on August 28, 2012 2:11 am
What would your customers think of your sales training? That may sound like a strange question to ask, but it is important. The recent experiences of a buyer who sat in on a sales training workshop explain why. Read More
Customers are the number one asset for every business, and they can be managed best via the use of online customer relationship management... Read More

Make Your Proposition 10 Times More Powerful!

Make Your Proposition 10 Times More Powerful! - Avatar Posted by raycollis under Sales
From 4335 days ago
Made Hot by: Monsieur Eraser on August 16, 2012 12:57 am
Being heard over the competition in a crowded marketplace takes a special type of message. This whitepaper presents research on why some seller messages get heard, while most others don't. It shows you how you can make your proposition up to 10 times more powerful. Read More
There are too many links to count. One of the most important links is the Quality Edu Backlinks. If a site ends in edu, it means that the site is an academic establishment and that going to the site will result in an educational experience. How you place your links and what you name them has an eff Read More
When conducting an email marketing campaign, it is important for you to create email series that will help to educate as well as presell your audience about your product. You can’t just promote your product in the first email that you send to your subscribers. This will be the worst marketing strat Read More
Creating a Dynamic Blog can be greatly improved with some simple steps. The problem many blogs have is that they focus too much on the company or the blogger themselves. There is no need to use your posts to sell directly, you can achieve so much more when you forget about yourself, but use the kno Read More
A study conducted by WordStream, a search marketing firm, uncovered that most of the time organic search listing outperformed paid search listings, sometimes by a wide margin. But it also uncovered that in searches with a high commercial intent (a search conducted with the purpose to specifically Read More
The online video service takes a swipe at nasty commenters and cleans up its image by encouraging users to use their real names and link to their Google+ profile. Read More
A session working on your business…
How would you like to work with one of the foremost Business Coaches in the UK? And not just any old business coach – someone who not only talks the talk but walks the walk… Read More
Want to minimize costs and remain competitive? Here are a few money-saving and productivity boosting tips to help any start up regardless of industry. Read More

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