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The Top 20 Business Apps ranking is based on a composite algorithm that incorporates several criteria, including listing popularity on the Business App Store Most applications are suited to Small Businesses and offer a free demo or version of their products Read More
Most of us in the SaaS community realize that carefully tracking your Customer Acquisition Costs or CAC, is a critical component in building a successful and profitable company, but I think it is equally important to understand how traditional software sales and marketing models and SaaS models di Read More
Now that your organization has decided to partake in the social media conversation here are a few tips and precautions you should take. Read More
The goal of any business is for the customer to walk away happy with the transaction. Whether it be product, service, etc., the customer should ALWAYS walk away happy with a feeling of satisfaction that they made the right choice. Tom's Shoes has taken that one step further. Not only do their customers walk away feeling good about a purchase of well made, fairly affordable shoes, they also now wa Read More ( has partnered with CloudShare to provide all its premium-listed software vendors clients a "hassle-free" way to give prospective buyers the ability to see their application perform in a live environment. Directly from a listing, prospects will be able to click on a "try IT now" button that triggers a request to test the desired application in a dedicated IT environment Read More is a resource dedicated to SMBs willing to search, compare and review business software. There is an online assessment tool to help choose between on-premises or on-demand (SaaS) deployment. All services are free for SMB users.
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Are you an employer but living in the dark ages as far as social media is concerned? Wake up to the new addiction before your business pays a heavy price. This article will hopefully alert you to the dangers of remaining an ostrich in a quickly changing world. Read More

25 Legal Tips for Small Business in 25 Minutes

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Legal
From 5318 days ago
Made Hot by: heatherharper on January 4, 2010 10:58 am
A panel of attorney's discuss a wide range of small business legal issues from power of attorney to contracts at a meeting of the board of the National Association of Women Business Owners. This video from Small Business Television claims to include 25 small business legal tips within 25 minutes and honestly I didn't count that carefully. Also there is some exchange with the audience including qu Read More

Avoid Seminars with Social Media Experts

Avatar Posted by justanbrandt under Social Media
From 5319 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 4, 2010 9:55 am
Any marketer who is truthful and honest will tell you that social media marketing (SMM) is still an emerging concept. It hasn’t fully matured and there is no secret formula that will always work. Yet I continue to see seminars on social media pop up everywhere. This would be fine if most of them didn’t declare to have an “expert” speaker. I’m unaware of how anyone can be a true expert in social Read More

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