GotFreeBusinessCards2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

IGTV: What Marketers Need to Know

Avatar Posted by andriawhack under Social Media
From 2272 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on July 13, 2018 11:52 am
Do you use Instagram video in your marketing?

Want to use IGTV to deliver longer video to your Instagram audience?

In this article, you’ll discover what Instagram’s IGTV is, and find tips for using the feature in your marketing. Read More
Are you giving your customers instant answers to their questions? Jeff Brathwaite joins Brent Leary to talk about that and more in this latest edition of This Week in Small Business. Read More
How best could you define your ideal customer and target the right audience? Here are the key factors to consider in the process of defining your ideal customer... Read More

Starbucks shows us how a company can put AI into action today

Avatar Posted by bockmary7 under Technology
From 2273 days ago
Made Hot by: LoopLooper on July 13, 2018 12:04 pm
It’s pretty well established that AI is the future of computing (well, at least the future of a great deal of computing thought, focus and emphasis). If it lives up to the hype, it will most certainly change the face of human history. Read More
Every entrepreneur knows that good demand generation marketing is the key to growth these days, but very few have the discipline or know-how to measure return in a world of a thousand tools and techniques. Even those things that worked yesterday may not work tomorrow, as the market matures, the cul Read More

7 Traits Of Successful Businesses - Takis Athanassiou

Avatar Posted by tathan under Strategy
From 2273 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on July 12, 2018 7:56 am
Have you ever wondered what are the traits of successful businesses? If you want to run a successful business, then you should read them here! Read More
Search Engine Optimization is a must for any small business with a website to draw more traffic. Here are the tips on how to optimize your website to get the high ranking on search engines. Read More
As a business owner, I’ve found that the summer months have a way of challenging my ability to focus. Fortunately, with the right coping techniques, you can avoid letting these next few months thwart your productivity. Read More
Most of the young entrepreneurs I know are classic proof of the old adage that people tend to overestimate what they can do in a short period, and underestimate what they can do over a long period. They become frustrated when they are unable to build their startup in a weekend, and give up way too Read More
Believe it or not, your yearly planning is coming up here soon. So we recently sat down with expert Andrew Davis to go over all the important elements to consider when putting together your yearly marketing plan. Read More

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