Heather_Stone voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As the ubiquity of remote sales teams skyrockets, the need for Android sales mobile apps continues to increase. By streamlining the sales process into a mobile workflow, field sales representatives can increase productivity and agility while decreasing operational costs.
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Here I cover 4 great topics, including a new Tumblr experiment I’m running and generating traffic to a website with Instagram. Read More
Find out how SlideShare can market and grow your business through sharing presentations, optimisation and lead generation. SlideShare is the understated business tool that is quietly emerging from its perceived use as a PowerPoint presentation platform into a powerfully diverse way to showcase a bu Read More

3 Ways To Tune Up Your Team

Avatar Posted by GreenMango under Human Resources
From http://greenmango.cc 4094 days ago
Made Hot by: kingofcontent92 on July 9, 2013 9:09 am
Teams are like cars - they need a tune up every so often if you want them to run well. Drive a car long enough and you'll need some fresh engine oil. Lead a team long enough and you'll need to refresh a few key elements.

Here are 3 tips to tune up those you lead. Read More

How Three Entrepreneurs Bounced Back From Failure

Avatar Posted by corpcentre under Startups
From http://blog.corporationcentre.ca 4094 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on July 11, 2013 1:03 pm
We learn as much from our failures as we do from our successes. That has long been a truth in business as well as in life. Here are some prime examples of entrepreneurs who bounced back from failure. Read More

How to Do Business in China

Avatar Posted by corpcentre under Global
From http://blog.corporationcentre.ca 4094 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Bluesman on July 12, 2013 5:36 am
Looking to expand your business? You might want to look to the Far East - as in China. There is a groundswell of eager Chinese consumers with money to spend so how can you break into the Chinese market? It's going to take a little groundwork and investment.

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I know some entrepreneurs with successful businesses, and others who seem to have a great relationship with their family, but I can’t think of many who have both. Some people would argue that these two successes are mutually exclusive, but I’m not convinced. Read More
While social media marketing is all the rage these days, one powerful tool considered by many as “old school” still remains one of the most effective ways to increase sales and repeat business ratios. Yes, I’m talking about email marketing.

Call it old school or whatever, but no one can deny it Read More
LinkedIn Groups give you the opportunity to address a highly targeted, highly professional group of business decision makers in a very casual, open format. Find out how to get started. Read More
Decision making is one tricky part of everyone's life. However, it is not that hard to handle. But you have to start somewhere and these tips will help you do so. Read More

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