HouseHunt voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Knowing how to build a list offers you a powerful marketing tool. Here is how to use an autoresponder, an opt-in form & a squeeze page to make you successful. Read More
With all we have to do these days, a helping hand would be handy, right? Contact management systems (CMS) can provide that through a combination of automation and organization. There’s a cost involved, so care should be taken when selecting software or a company, but, when done right, a good system Read More
I love team sports because of the camaraderie, but competition is often the word associated with real estate agents as they battle for leads. Being part of a team has its benefits, as long as everyone follows the game plan, which is where a good broker or manager helps a lot. Read More
Priced at $199 and $249 for the 8 GB and 16 GB models, respectively, the Google Nexus 7 is currently blowing the competition out of the water. It’s only been out on the market a few months, but as of now, the Nexus 7 is probably the best thing that’s happened to the tablet market. Read More
Think of the Kindle Fire as an extension to your desktop computer or laptop. This tablet is reliable and easier to work on as opposed to depending on your smart phone and just as versatile out in the field so long as you’re able to get a good Wi-Fi signal. Read More
The old adage that no news is good news doesn’t apply to online reviews. A real estate agent who has a site with no reviews is worse than one with 20 reviews, even if a couple are negative. That’s because no reviews might be perceived as inactivity or indifference. Read More
If you’re thinking about starting a Yelp business account or are looking for ways to boost the one you have, here are some things to keep in mind. Read More
Even if your leads are down, these weeks are great for reconnecting with former clients and your database on a personal level. Reach out to them via e-mail or a phone call and chat or set up a time to meet. You might be surprised how many of these people know someone who’s interested in buying or s Read More
Concentrating on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn is a good start, so here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to optimizing your profile on those sites. Read More
Analyzing your ROI with the tools you have in place is a must for any real estate agent who invests back into his or her business. There are several things to keep in mind when forming a plan and following its effectiveness. Read More

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