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How to Ensure Your Website Gets Some Action

How to Ensure Your Website Gets Some Action - http://www.searchengineguide.com Avatar Posted by st0n3y under Online Marketing
From http://www.searchengineguide.com 5062 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on August 29, 2010 6:44 pm
If you want your visitors to take action while visiting your site, you've got to tell them what they need to do. Otherwise, they come, stay a bit, and leave. Here's how to help your site get some much needed action.. Read More
I’ve come across a few vain executives lately. I won’t even call them leaders because I believe when vanity comes into play real leadership goes out the window.

We all know who these executives are and what it feels like to be around them. We start to wonder how they actually finagled their way into their executive roles, right? Because while confidence is an absolute requirement for being a leader, crossing the line to vanity wipes out all the good you’ve done in your career and leaves a very bad taste in the mouths of those who work with you, for you, and around you.

And while I have had to work with some vain execs lately I’ve also had the distinct pleasure of meeting some leaders who are so inspiring in the way they treat others that I decided to make a list of attributes that you don’t always find on a CEO’s job description, but when exhibited make these people the greatest kinds of leaders… Read More
The internet, and specifically the rise of social media, has made it even easier for folks to pursue ruthless ambition to succeed online. A major part of online success is being able to see through the smoke and mirrors that many personalities put up around themselves.

With the internet making anonymity and disguise so simple, many people set up illusions that simply aren’t themselves. I often compare this to the classic 70s game show, “The Dating Game.” It’s easy to sit behind the partition and try to impress the “contestant” with how charming and clever you are. But sooner or later, they will step around the partition – that’s the moment of truth. Will they be surprised with what they find Read More

Workplace Rage

Workplace Rage - http://www.bloomberg.com Avatar Posted by wdywft under News
From http://www.bloomberg.com 5064 days ago
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" [...] In America today, corporate profits are high, and job creation is low. This is a potentially explosive situation. If fewer and fewer people are asked to do more and more, and then told to smile about it, their rage will grow Read More
In every conversation with Steve, he tells me interesting small business success stories that he has encountered as part of his research. Steve will be speaking at the GrowSmartBiz Small Business Conference, organized by Network Solutions and the Washington Business Journal, on Nov. 5 in D.C.
He also is involved with analyzing the Network Solutions Small Business Success Index, which is co-sponsored by the University of Maryland’s Smith School of Business. It surveys the competitive health of small businesses twice a year. The latest report to be released in September indicates that small business owners find marketing and innovation a challenge. I wanted to get Steve’s opinion on his experience researching small business innovation and on other new trends like co-working.

Read more: How are small businesses working through innovation challenges? - Washington Business Journal Read More
Technology has allowed us to move past the days when we simply drove a prospect to our website, captured their name and email address, and started them in a drip system in hopes that at some point they would click on a link in one of our emails and buy something Read More
How to use the power of commitment to get customers to spend more at your online store and how these tactics increased our average order size by 29 Read More
This week is Minority Enterprise Development (MED) Week and many government agencies are using the month of August to showcase the wealth of resources that they offer to help minorities get started and succeed in business.

Here’s a breakdown of some of the comprehensive resources and mentoring services offered for minority and Hispanic business owners across the “.gov” domain and in your community Read More
We can all dream about what it takes to make our startup a success. From recent survey feedback, it seems evident that the urban legends leading to success are wrong. The average entrepreneur is not the one who dumped a promising career, sketched his idea on the back of a napkin, and accepted millions from an investor to make millions of his own. Read More
Jumping from one to another actually makes your marketing more complex instead of simpler, not to mention the time and/or money it takes. To take any confusion out of the decision here are a few questions to ask yourself before you dump what you are currently doing for another tactic: Read More

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