KristieWeltmermsh voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As a small business owner, you need to make sure your customers get remarkable experiences if you are to drive your sales up. This will mean giving the best services while at the same time offering something that can keep them engaged as they wait to be served. With most people now cutting the cord Read More
If you want to grow your business, you need to know how to allocate your resources to make it happen. How do you figure out the steps you need to take, or the processes you need to implement to make it happen? Read More

Small Business Myths Debunked with Data-Backed Truth

Small Business Myths Debunked with Data-Backed Truth - Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Startups
From 1813 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on July 22, 2019 9:53 am
Small and medium businesses (SMBs) have a reputation for being capable and dedicated, two sentiments my team and I have definitely found to be true. But we had some questions about a few of the other descriptors we’ve heard — and thanks to data from the latest Small and Medium Business Trends Repor Read More
At its core, property management is all about communication, and there is plenty of room for improvement.
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Case Study: Dealing with unnatural links and penalties What kind of unnatural links did you have to deal with? We faced this penalty attack on one of our client’s website. It is a popular website selling home garden and backyard lake care products. The project came to us after they spotted around ~ Read More
Throughout history, humans have always relied on the influence of word-of-mouth. Today, building an influencer marketing strategy is crucial for success. Learn the ins-and-outs in this breakdown. Read More
We live in a hyper-connected digital world that glorifies multitasking – it’s the only way to get everything done when there are so many things to tick off our seemingly endless to-do-list. Keeping ourselves busy means we are being productive, right? Read More
We all know that transcription involves the conversion of any audio/video format into a written form, and this term has increasingly been in use ever since 17th Century. So now when, quick and efficient transcription services are the need for all major business sectors, it has become vital to have Read More
An institute is only successful if employees are dedicated and hardworking. Corporations are running, excelling or failing on the basis of the quality of their workforce. Read More
Where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years?

Directed at startup founders and teams, this question is interpreted very differently depending on who you are and what you want to achieve as a founder. Read More

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