KristieWeltmermsh voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Every business owner nowadays is aware of the importance of implementing business process management tools. It is no longer a question of whether you should use them or not, as they have become an integral part of successful and error-free process documentation and process management. Read More
The early days of starting a small business can be very exciting… but also a bit daunting. When you’re a beginner trying to get your first entrepreneurial venture off the ground, it can help to have some expert perspective in your corner. Here are some tips and insights from members of the online s Read More
Pinch analysis is a difficult topic to talk about, as it both has widely applicable techniques which can reduce the need for external resources, but it’s traditionally very complicated and used in a limited business sector. Read More
In this guest post, Benjamin will share their story and perspective on team alignment and some easy-to-implement solutions to achieve this ideal state with your team.
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This post will take you through what a brand audit is, the elements of audience brand perception, how to measure what they think of you, and how to help shape the brand image that you want to give.
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The only thing I learned from the productivity content around is that what makes a solution worthwhile is whether you can adapt it to your life.
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This video tutorial explains how you can easily host websites on Google Drive with one click. You can even publish Drive website under a custom web domain using IFRAME. Read More
Social Media alone is not designed to obtain more attractive customers for your Hotel. There has to be a creative connection between Hotel Marketing and Social Media Marketing.

Social Media makes up the community, and Hotel Marketing makes up the marketplace. Don’t confuse the two!! Read More
There are certain risks that accompany a startup, and while they pose some threat, they shouldn’t deter you from starting your own company or organization, if you feel you have valuable skills or products. Read More

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