KristieWeltmermsh voted on the following stories on BizSugar

This article will attempt to introduce the reader to local search, the benefits of local search to small business owners and provide some tips and guidance. Read More
The reviews by the customers are the real asset of online stores. Almost 71% of the customers will read the reviews and influence their decision of buying through a specific store over another. It is more likely that customers will buy a product if it has more reviews that are positive. Read More

7 Tricks and Tools to Build a Solid Social Media Presence

Avatar Posted by zolachupik under Resources
From 2871 days ago
Made Hot by: trivedirock91 on November 10, 2016 8:45 am
Social media is here to stay, and as every marketer knows. Considering this fact, you’ve definitely had a stab at social media marketing by this point. Some of you may have succeeded, while some of you may be stuck with limited engagement on your social media pages.
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A highly successful PPC campaign has 3 fundamental components: keywords, ads and landing pages. Here are 10 ways to reduce your PPC cost per lead. Read More

What is Google Drive and how it works?

Avatar Posted by Ihya1324 under Products and Services
From 2871 days ago
Made Hot by: kahlua16 on November 10, 2016 4:35 am
Have you ever used Google Drive? If not, then, find out what is Google Drive and how it works?

Just like its competitors OneDrive and DropBox, Google Drive is regarded as one of the most popular cloud-based storage services from Google family. Read More

How to Take Your Best Working Vacation

Avatar Posted by joannw2016 under Self-Development
From 2871 days ago
Made Hot by: kahlua16 on November 10, 2016 3:31 am
While those lucky enough to take a long vacation busy themselves with preparations, the rest of us look on enviously.

Grudgingly, we accept that often there simply isn’t the possibility to take a chunk of time to go off to a far-flung destination.

Projects need work. Deadlines need to be hit. Read More
Creating user personas can help improve the way you solve problems for your customers and are typically used in the user centred design process. Find out how to utilise personas and get some tips for creating your own. Read More
Performance management and benchmarking solution for Performance Monitoring, Improvement and Analysis, and knowledge and activity-based management. Read More
Sometimes it’s difficult to understand how all the possible content should fit together. So I’ve put together a quick framework I use when developing my content. Read More
You've designed and built a high-quality iOS app, and now it's been accepted into the App Store. The question now becomes: How do you help people to find it? We’ll explore three strategies in this article.
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