KristieWeltmermsh voted on the following stories on BizSugar

A typical organizational analysis entails observing the organization from the strategic, political and cultural lenses encompassing people, processes and technologies. While these lenses are useful in understanding the workings of an organization, they are not sufficient for an organization to be i Read More
Facebook ads. Twitter ads. Banner ads. LinkedIn ads. Instagram ads. The list could go on and on. But one type of advertising option that’s often not talked about?

Advertising in email.

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Collaboration is the name of the game today. As more and more of our workflows move to the cloud, businesses need tools that let teams share information, communicate, and manage projects together quickly and intuitively. Read More
This episode of Business Systems Explored is a real treat for developers or anyone interested in the techy systems behind SaaS businesses. Dennis R. Mortensen — the founder of — talks about how conversational interfaces will change SaaS and how dashboards will die. Read More
Are Facebook Adverts worth the expense and investment? What can make the difference between success and failure and how do you consider whether to spend time and money on the social media platform? Read More
Building a successful business is a constantly changing process. So you need to be able to adapt and keep up to ensure long term success. Members of our small business community have had to navigate plenty of changes and updates. Check out some top tips for moving your business toward future succes Read More

How to Start Getting More YouTube Traffic to Your Videos

Avatar Posted by Ileane under Online Marketing
From 2959 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on August 17, 2016 12:05 pm
Getting more YouTube traffic is a challenge that most YouTubers face. I've seen countless videos with good content that only have 10 or 20 views. With a few simple tweaks your videos can start getting the traffic and exposure they deserve on YouTube. Watch this video to get more traffic on YouTube Read More
When I came up with the idea for this website, one of the things I struggled with was how to create a website. I’d heard of HTML and Dreaverweaver but had no clue how to use them. I’d also had friends who had used graphic designers to build them custom websites for thousands of dollars — which I co Read More

7 things You Must Know About Customer Delight In The Digital Era

Avatar Posted by EdLeake under Sales
From 2961 days ago
Made Hot by: LoopLooper on August 15, 2016 8:58 am
While the ultimate goal is to build an unconditional love for your brand, a bit of promotional merchandise (swag), and a “wow” experience go far in accomplishing this goal.

The key to customer retention is fostering a climate of customer delight – a tribe of users who love your product Read More
You know the importance of having great customer support. As a young company, you take pride in this—it’s what separates you from industry giants. You’re able to give your customers the individualized attention in a fast turnaround time. You’re even able to have relationships with your customers, l Read More

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