LadySophy voted on the following stories on BizSugar

4 Ways to Use Google Hangouts in Your Business

Avatar Posted by under Marketing
From 4236 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on February 19, 2013 9:02 am
Small business people still seem to be in the process of catching on to Google+, the social network created by Google. Google has made a number of moves to encourage people to use Google+. It has tied in several applications to Google Plus.

One of those applications is Google Hangouts. Read More
Part of growing your online audience is writing excellent content. Find out 3 easy changes to make to your content to keep your readers coming back for more. Read More

5 Steps to Getting Back to The Heart of Your Business

Avatar Posted by nakalp under Management
From 4236 days ago
Made Hot by: whitehatseo on February 19, 2013 11:25 am
Using her mistakes to help new small businesses, Rachel Blaufeld give tips for following one's passion carefully when starting a new business including the new business setup wizard by Corpnet. Read More

Blogging: You Are Doing it Wrong!

Avatar Posted by MSEO under Marketing
From 4236 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on February 19, 2013 9:01 am
We all know there are a ton of blogs out there and most of us know that many of them offer terrible content. If you are new to blogging I am going to give 5 tips to help you write blog posts people might actually read. Read More

What Markups can do for your Business?

Avatar Posted by hishaman under Marketing
From 4236 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on February 19, 2013 8:41 am Markups and rich snippets help to attract potential buyers while they search for products to purchase on a search engine like Google. Read More

Top 50 Franchise Websites

Avatar Posted by franpro under Franchises
From 4236 days ago
Made Hot by: LadySophy on February 17, 2013 10:59 pm
I've been doing what I call "6-second testing" on hundreds of franchise websites for about two weeks. I've learned a lot about web design and web usability. And now, I've picked The Top 50 Franchise Websites! Enjoy- Read More

The Future of the Customer Service Experience

Avatar Posted by ryandonegan under Customer Service
From 4236 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on February 19, 2013 8:59 am
Now that social media dominates communication, it should come as no surprise that 80% of companies are planning to incorporate social media into their customer service strategies in 2013. Take a look at the power of social media and why companies that plan to succeed must become more responsive. Read More

Who Loves Your Comments?

Avatar Posted by ledux under Online Marketing
From 4236 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on February 19, 2013 8:21 am
Why is it beneficial to receive comments? And what good is it to leave comments on other blogs. I talk about the benefits of receiving comments, how to get more comments for your blog and why is it beneficial for the commenter. Read More
As a small business owner I am responsible (with the help of the Brick Marketing team) for creating, executing and maintaining my own SEO campaign—so I understand firsthand how frustrating the SEO process can be. Read More

GimeTalk Review -- Interact with The Customers that Visit your Website

Avatar Posted by GetApp under Customer Service
From 4236 days ago
Made Hot by: LadySophy on February 19, 2013 5:00 am
This week we review GimeTalk a live chat app that gives you that something. You can now interact with the people visiting your website just as you would if they came into your physical store or office. Read More

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