LadySophy voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Help your Clients Spread the Word about your Small Business

Avatar Posted by aknews under Marketing
From 4451 days ago
Made Hot by: cherry93 on July 15, 2012 3:26 am
Big brands do this all the time; people wear cloths with companies’ logos and names, think Nike, Old Navy etc’. Cars have their manufacture symbol in the front and the back of the vehicle. Apple have their logo on every Read More

Cause Marketing: A Marriage Made to Last

Avatar Posted by causecast under Human Resources
From 4451 days ago
Made Hot by: BIZantium on July 15, 2012 3:10 am
Cause marketing is what happens when for-profit businesses join together with non-profit organizations for a marketing marriage made in heaven. Read More
In our search for “mo money”, blogging has continually been raised as a viable solution. It make sense as blogging provides many obvious benefits. You can use it to meet other interesting individuals, leverage it to build your personal brand, and even land speaking gigs.

But what if you want mor Read More
Social media marketing isn’t about the tactics you use or your daily posting routine. It goes much deeper than that.

It doesn’t matter if you’re following the latest trend and using Pinterest for your business.

What matters are the underlying beliefs and principles that set you apart.

Beca Read More
Customer Relationship Management software (CRM) has revolutionized the way businesses today approach lead generation and customer life-cycle management. This article explores new era of CRM and advises the facts that you should consider before choosing our CRM software. Read More

The Entrepreneur and Change - Just Retweet Blog

Avatar Posted by bigmoneyweb under Startups
From 4452 days ago
Made Hot by: Marketing_Mashup on July 15, 2012 12:12 pm
Change is inevitable and sometimes, it comes unannounced. It has caught so many small businesses unawares and it’s so powerful that it can crush businesses that take it for granted. How often do you take it for granted? Economic recession Read More
I've been building blogs for a few years, but only within the past year have I been able to wrap my mind around the best way to go about launching a great guest posting campaign. Read More

First line manager training

Avatar Posted by CorporateCoachG under Management
From 4458 days ago
Made Hot by: Marketing_Mashup on July 8, 2012 4:47 am
What is expected of the first line manger?

If you are a first line manager, then you are expected to:

1. Manage the daily tasks
2. Manage the various personalities in the team
3. Continue to do much of the spade work yourself
4. Manage the customer’s com Read More

Colin Powell's 15 Rules of Leadership

Avatar Posted by Stedevilian under Management
From 4461 days ago
Made Hot by: Emma on July 4, 2012 4:03 pm
Don’t you sometimes wish you had a leadership playbook, laying out the rules of the game? Although maybe not a complete leadership playbook, the fifteen rules of leadership from Colin Powell, former US Secretary of State, helps us along the road in mastering the art and skill of leadership. Colin P Read More
What I have personally found so remarkable is how unexpected my path to “freedom” ultimately was. If the last year or so has taught me anything, it is that by simply taking action, you give yourself a far greater chance of success – regardless of what your plans actually are. Read More

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