Liz_062 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Google’s iOS app has been updated to version 31.0, and with it comes a new feature for sending feedback to the company. Read More
Want to design Snapchat geofilters on the go?

Have you seen the Snapchat in-app geofilter creation tool?

In this article, you’ll discover how to easily create and purchase custom Snapchat geofilters from within the mobile app. Read More
Most of the companies follow a certain type of human resource system and currently the discussion is about the centralized HR system. The centralized HR system is a process wherein which decision making authority is provided by the management of the company. Which mean other than the decentralizati Read More
If there is anything that any business owner needs plenty of, it is management skills. There is a lot to this subject, but above all, it is about being able to lead your team in an effective, incisive and communicative manner. Read More
Remote work is one of the greatest freedoms of the internet age, but it also comes with a unique set of problems. Collaboration gets harder, relationship-building isn’t as natural as it could be, and remembering to change out of your pajamas before rolling into the ‘office’ is something you only gr Read More
These 5 business process management software are intended to automate business processes with the aim to gain maximum productivity from each accomplished task.

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Are you searching for solutions to help manage your business more efficiently? Or are you working with a virtual team and need a way to make collaborate? Thanks to the tech industry, there are many solutions available to solve your problems. Read More
Abraham Maslow arguably did more to highlight the potential in humans than any other psychologist. This concise guide highlights the 13 characteristics Maslow identified found in self-actualizing individuals--those rare people motivated by internal growth instead of external forces (like needing to Read More
Whether you’re facing writer's block or a creative slump, creating compelling content can feel elusive. The good news? While writing great blog content on a consistent basis can seem overwhelming, it is possible. Here are 7 steps to writing a great blog post every time. Read More
The number of apps out there is colossal. There are more than a million available from the Apple App Store alone. So how do you know which will be genuinely useful – and which will simply sit on your device unused? Read More

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