Liz_062 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Uber is seemingly always in the news for something.

It appears Uber is everywhere.

But how did Uber grow to such a large degree, particularly with laws and governments and embedded markets in their way? How did they end up with a potential valuation of $68 billion?
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Your job as a writer is to make your subjects clear and interesting.

Assuming you aren’t working on the next Waiting for Godot, you’ll work to make sure your meaning is clear and easy to grasp. Read More
Have unused property and not enough cash? Here's 3 demand-driven ways to make extra money from all that property you're currently just paying taxes on. Read More
Here is how you can more effectively discover the real ROI of the two different types of workplace analytics. Read More
Having an operations manual may not be glamorous, but preventing the disasters caused by human error and bad processes can save your business and even (in extreme circumstances) millions of lives. Read More
Writer’s block is a terrible thing. You know that you need new content to fill up your calendar and keep your audience engaged, but you can sit at your desk for hours, resulting in nothing but tearing your own hair out in frustration.
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4 Tips to Turn Social Media Followers Into Customers

Avatar Posted by rradice under Social Media
From 2656 days ago
Made Hot by: marketingvalue on June 15, 2017 12:40 pm
Turning social media followers into customers isn't as easy as you think. To do it, you need to ditch these four conversion killers. Read More
From freelancers to small businesses helping companies create websites for themselves the conundrum continues. You have to consider the fact that dozen clients are required to be managed in the dozens by using your expertise in developing and maintaining websites. Read More
If you’re ready to move past more conventional methods of blog marketing like Facebook and SEO, one of the fastest and easiest ways to build your brand and traffic right now is with streaming video. Read More
A lot of new business owners that I’ve worked with struggle with the problem of insufficient leads. Read More

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