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Solopreneur's Ultimate Tools List

Avatar Posted by joannw2016 under Resources
From 2682 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on May 21, 2017 11:55 am
I know….

You are probably like me, when you have a task to do you look for the most efficient method to tackle it.

When you are growing a solopreneur business don’t do it the hard way. Find the tools that will make your job easier and make you more efficient.

This is a list of the resource Read More
Recent elections have hogged the headlines due to their rhetoric and their politics.

However, one consistent theme across both the Trump victory and the Brexit success was their use of advanced marketing techniques.
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Going off-brand with your content could mean losing your audience. Learn what the Bourne franchise can teach us about brand consistency. Read More
Google has thrown a lot at marketers in just the last five years. All of these big changes — from rolling out major algorithm updates to shifting to mobile-first — have essentially had the same goal: to provide the best possible search experience to users. Google wants to show users the best conten Read More
Want to improve your cost per click for Facebook ads?

Wondering how much influence visuals have on Facebook ad performance?

From font style to background images, the design choices you make can have a deep impact on the overall results of your Facebook ad campaigns. Read More
More than 1 billion people regularly use Facebook, but that doesn't mean they know all the hidden tricks for using the social media platform. Both Facebook and its messaging companion app are constantly being refreshed with new features and redesigns, which can make it hard to keep up. Read More
There are so many tools you can use to run a successful business. But if you dont take care to actually use those tools to their full potential your business could suffer. To learn how to get the most out of your small business toolkit take a look at these tips from members of our small business co Read More
Drawing from 40 years of experience, David Ogilvy shows everything he learned from creating some of the most successful advertising campaigns to date (some of which are still running today).

From using research instead of rules to reminding yourself exactly what you’re paid to do, Ogilvy provide Read More
Deadlines, by their very nature, suck.

When you have a deadline approaching, you just have to sit down and get work done whether you want to or not. You’re used to deadlines from back in your school days, and have learned by now that they’re just a part of life.
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There are over 140 personal productivity tools in this categorized list. From task management to social, desktop to mobile, find tools that work for you! Read More

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