Liz_062 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Every keyword has its own power among the massive amount of search query data taking place all across the internet. Understanding how to measure the power of a keyword and how to branch out from using a head keyword into more variables like LSI and long tail to further increase the usefulness of yo Read More
Here’s to improving our writing and avoiding common content writing mistakes, all whilst making an ass of myself.

After all, it’s hard enough to build a blog when your writing game is on point, let alone when you’re making mistakes that are next to impossible to spot on your own. Read More
Running a business can make you stressed out! We looked far and wide to find the best ways to relax and rewind. Read More

The Ultimate Editing Checklist for Content Marketers

Avatar Posted by kimonos under Marketing
From 2852 days ago
Made Hot by: centrifugePR on December 3, 2016 3:50 pm
Unless you’re writing instructions or technical copy, writing is a creative process. When writers are in the flow, they work in bursts of energy, hammering out paragraphs without stopping to think about editing.

Unedited writing is, in the words of Annie Lamott: shitty. And so it should be. If y Read More

6 Must-Do’s For A Successful On Boarding Process

Avatar Posted by Ihya1324 under Human Resources
From 2852 days ago
Made Hot by: Shanna94 on December 2, 2016 9:50 am
A recent study conducted in the US by Bamboo HR evidenced that 31 % of employees quit within the first 6 months.
Most of them changed their mind about the job. But a significant proportion left because their team leader failed to make a good impression.
Did you think new employees were the only o Read More
Does your UX meet up with the expectations of your clients? Many SaaS disappoint customers when the reality of their UX doesn't match the €œwrapping€ of their landing pages and product videos. It's disappointing for the SaaS too. You put all of that work and investment into attracting customers, y Read More
Most “city pages” stink more than a pig farmer’s overalls. Even if they rank well, they usually don’t compel anyone to call. The content is stuffed with the name of the city, but it’s boilerplate otherwise. To would-be customers it’s just lip service from a company that seems desperate for busin Read More

Why Your SaaS Business Must Publish its Pricing

Avatar Posted by zolachupik under Startups
From 2853 days ago
Made Hot by: BenMulholland on November 29, 2016 6:50 pm
Developing the right pricing strategy for your software as a service (SaaS) business is absolutely crucial, as it’s the one lever businesses leaders can pull that immediately and directly impacts revenue. Read More

The Beginner's Guide to SaaS Conversion Optimization

Avatar Posted by ferdiepre13 under Strategy
From 2853 days ago
Made Hot by: BenMulholland on November 29, 2016 6:35 pm
When we talk about conversion optimization, much of the strategies remain the same across industries. After all, the goal is to systematically improve the success of a business, whatever that means metric-wise.
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Managing Your Sales Funnel With Process Street

Avatar Posted by StellaShveyqgd under Sales
From 2853 days ago
Made Hot by: trivedirock91 on November 30, 2016 9:12 am
Outbound sales are nourishment. Your cold-callers are foragers. Your senior sales staff are hunters.

They find the new clients and bring them back to the tribe of engineers and human resources staff who depend on them.
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