Liz_062 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Examples and Case Studies on How to Improve your Landing Page Conversion. Get Your 15-point checklist for insanely high-converting landing pages. Read More
I got asked this question recently on Snapchat.

“I have just started my Startup. I’m not sure if I’ll need to start free or just start charging right from the start.”

That’s a pretty awesome question! I’ve heard that question before as I’ve asked myself that multiple times.

Here's my take. Read More
Setting up meetings can be tedious and time-consuming. How many email threads have you endured with a dozen messages asking, “How about Tuesday at 3? No? Monday at 4?” Surely, you think, there’s a better way. And with the help of these three guidelines, there is. Read More
Building a great app can be a vital step in securing a company’s prosperous future. With so much commerce, communication, work and play carried out on our mobile devices, many firms cannot (and should not) afford to overlook the mobile space as an avenue for sustained future growth. Read More

How to create the perfect work from home office space

Avatar Posted by LashonMcclure under Self-Development
From 2867 days ago
Made Hot by: adamhh on November 16, 2016 10:49 am
We know there are a number of benefits to working from home; the desk is less than a minute away, unlimited tea and coffee and flexibility in picking the office temperature without upsetting anyone else. Read More

The Ultimate List Of Paralegal Tools

Avatar Posted by StellaShveyqgd under Products and Services
From 2867 days ago
Made Hot by: bockmary7 on November 16, 2016 2:02 pm
Paralegals often think of themselves as indispensable superheroes for their firms, and for good reason. On a day-to-day basis, you’re asked to take on new challenges, requiring you to find more and more creative ways to accomplish things efficiently enough to enjoy some “me time” at the end of the Read More
If your software is struggling to get into a usable state, it’s probably because you’re overlooking testing.

Testing is important for two main reasons:

1. Tests will reveal flaws in your software
2. Tests will reveal flaws in your software development process Read More
People who buy products marketed to them via email spend a whopping 138% more than people outside the email marketing campaign. Read More

How to Use Content Marketing to Enhance Brand Perception

Avatar Posted by Liz_062 under Marketing
From 2868 days ago
Made Hot by: profmarketing on November 17, 2016 11:23 am
As a director of content marketing for a digital agency, I’ve noticed a pattern as we bring on new clients: Their brands aren’t as strong or as differentiated as they should be. In addition, most of them do traditional product-centric versus customer-centric communication. Their customers have chan Read More
You may think you know everything that needs to be known about SEO, but you’d be wrong. Good SEO strategy doesn’t begin and end with using the right keywords. There’s a lot more to the process if you start to scratch the surface. Read More

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