Liz_062 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Chris Ducker became one of the best-known British businesspeople when he popularized the idea of virtual teams. Mostly every company has VAs these days, but back in 2009, they weren’t readily available. When Chris suffered a shattering burnout, he reinvented himself as a virtual CEO and started to Read More
We get it. You’re a super busy business owner and you have a ton of stuff you need to get done every day. Thankfully, the Golden Age of apps has made it easier than ever to get more done with greater efficiency. You just need to know which apps to get. Here are ten great tools to help you streamlin Read More

Analysis of 87 SaaS startup landing pages

Avatar Posted by joannw2016 under Startups
From 2984 days ago
Made Hot by: BenMulholland on July 22, 2016 3:39 pm
The copy on your SaaS startup’s landing page is one of the major factors that determines whether your product lives, or dies a horrible death. Unbounce cites headlines as the single most important element of a landing page, and that’s for good reason.

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How to Use Google Keep & Inbox to Create The Ultimate Task List

Avatar Posted by kimonos under Technology
From 2984 days ago
Made Hot by: Angie593 on July 22, 2016 3:49 pm
While it’s getting more popular lately, Keep is one Google’s of less popular products. It’s been around since 2013, and is a 100% free way to manage your tasks and store information. What’s more, it links seamlessly with Inbox by Gmail (a material design version of Gmail with intuitive features). Read More
While there are many critical factors that you need to look at when formulating an effective SEO strategy, let’s agree that finding out the best techniques, that are still relevant to SEO can be a daunting task. From content to meta tags, to keywords and article submission, the number of ranking fa Read More
In this episode of Business Systems Explored we talk to Chris Savage. The Co-Founder and CEO of the video marketing platform Wistia. Chris breaks down the systems his customers are using to successfully drive traffic and increase conversions using video. Read More
We've all been baited into those lists of recycled tips where the author lists 10,000 excruciating content creation tips, all of which you've heard over and over again. I'm pretty sick of it, so thought I'd compile something from my personal experience from a year of writing. This is stuff I've had Read More
The stats are crazy. (Some are from Nintendo’s own reports and others are from DMR stats.)

The market value of Nintendo went up 9 billion in 5 days after Pokemon GO was launched. (The Pokemon Company is owned partially by Nintendo. They partnered with Niantic – a start-up that was once part of G Read More
Listening to Steli Efti is like soaking in the most intense sales wisdom you’ll ever hear.

He’s a born salesman, and this interview is full of his detailed processes and quick-fire tips. From building, scaling and maintaining a sales team to generating outbound sales leads and closing deals, Ste Read More
You might have done all the hard work and used all your creative guns to build a unique mobile app, but it’s still unlikely to achieve the success you desire without an immaculate UX design. Read More

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