Liz_062 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Remote teams live and die by their communication skills. It’s no secret that if a team is not talking to each other (preferably spanning across departments) and collaborating, the isolation which remote workers are constantly at risk of can easily set in and wreak havoc with your team’s functionali Read More

HR Templates: The Perfect Pack For Company Success

Avatar Posted by Ihya1324 under Human Resources
From 3027 days ago
Made Hot by: LashonMcclure on June 10, 2016 6:28 am
HR processes are often overlooked in a company. No matter how big or small that company is, HR responsibilities are extremely important. An organization cannot build a good team of working professionals without good HR. Read More
Being a freelancer can be difficult. A recent study showed that 34% of the US workforce are freelancers, and with the world becoming more friendly towards freelancers, the competition is growing rapidly.
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How to Prioritize Tasks and Do Only The Work That Matters

Avatar Posted by Liz_062 under Self-Development
From 3028 days ago
Made Hot by: Angie593 on June 8, 2016 3:34 pm
You’ve got a ton of work to do right now. Your to-do list is an unstructured mess of action items, and you’ve only got a faint idea how to prioritize tasks. Luckily, there are a few (almost automatic) ways to quickly get your to-do list prioritized without much effort. In fact, you can apply one of Read More

How to Help Your Next Remote Hire Succeed

Avatar Posted by andriawhack under Human Resources
From 3029 days ago
Made Hot by: LashonMcclure on June 8, 2016 7:26 am
Considering the prediction that, by 2020, 40% of the US’s workforce will be contingent workers, there’s a high chance that most companies will be employing remote workers in the near future, if they aren’t already. This isn’t a bad thing; remote workers have shown to be more productive and work lon Read More

17 Gmail Extensions that Make Your Life Easier

Avatar Posted by joannw2016 under Resources
From 3029 days ago
Made Hot by: StellaShveyqgd on June 8, 2016 7:26 am
In today’s email-centric work environment, you have to make sure you’re on top of your game.

But that’s easier said than done. You likely use email to manage customer relationships, talk to your team, network and manage your to-do list. Keeping up with everything makes it all-too-easy to drown i Read More
With an abundance of SaaS products that have revolutionised the way in which we work, more and more of us are choosing to remain at home to carry out our daily business tasks and activities.
Working from home enables you to avoid the stresses, strains and costs of the daily commute. Telecommuting Read More
In industries that rely on channel partners some vendors engage in deal registration that protects their partners from losing sales to other resellers. Read More
Social media has become such a critical aspect for businesses that many of you have considered hiring a social media analyst. Whether you handle social media in-house, outsource it or have someone specifically on staff to manage it, you should think about the qualities that make up a successful soc Read More
A key to creating this value? Evergreen content. Next, we ponder Apple’s next move, which doesn’t appear to include an acquisition of Time Warner (or Disney). We encourage listeners to look for assets they can acquire to build richer customer experiences. Finally, we’re genuinely excited about univ Read More

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