Liz_062 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

This list has both advanced and introductory courses. So, whether you just want to learn how to improve a process, or you want to dive into the statistical models behind business efficiency, it’s all here.
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Resources for Writers: How to Find Amazing Clients

Avatar Posted by andriawhack under Resources
From 2478 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on December 12, 2017 4:59 pm
A quick note if you write for a living: This week you have the chance to get on our list of recommended writers by joining the Certified Content Marketer program. Read More
No way in hell I’d be up at this hour writing a guest post.

Why in the Hades would I waste my time with that? What would I be getting from the ordeal? Traffic? Profits?

What was in it for me?

I suffered through a terrible blogging mistake for years. Read More
Toxic employees are those whose negative attitudes and behaviors cause trouble for entire teams. Learn who they are and how to deal with them in this post.
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Process Documentation with Process Street [#39 - Vinay Patankar]

Avatar Posted by GayJanczunskikji under Resources
From 2478 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on December 12, 2017 3:30 am
Process Street is an online service that allows companies to mirror their operational workflows into processes that can be scaled, reviewed, and optimized as well as tracked. The company supports SMEs with knowledge and the tool that enables to transform a time consuming and painstaking endeavor of Read More

Bust a Myth: Freelancers Aren't Just Short-Term Talent

Avatar Posted by HiringHQ under Management
From 2479 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on December 10, 2017 7:32 pm
There’s a common misconception that freelancers are just like “temps,” professionals hired by companies for more short-term, low-value projects. The reality is quite the contrary. Read More
With traffic nose diving, you could publish less content towards the end of December – especially considering your posts may not get the traction they deserve. Makes sense, right? Read More

5 Small Business Trends to Look Out for in 2018

Avatar Posted by harleenas under Marketing
From 2480 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on December 11, 2017 1:03 pm
Are you a business owner or about to launch a business? If yes, then you'd benefit by learning about the trends in 2018 for small businesses. Here are the 5 hottest small business trends that you need to know to stay competitive in 2018.

More at the blog. :) Read More
Sometimes, great customer service is about the little things that delight customers and how that you're willing to take an extra step. Read More
If you want your employees to stick around for longer, then it’s essential that you make them feel welcome from day one. Find out how in this blog post. Read More

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