MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

According to Gartner, “By 2016, more than half of real-time business dashboards will provide a panoramic view that provides information from multiple sources”.

Business users demand more from mobile computing. New Salesforce1 Mobile tool for Reports & Dashboards gives access to business users t Read More
One thing I rarely write about is taking other peoples’ outreach and turning it on its head – pitching to them.

For example, because we have an outreach software, when someone sends me an outreach email for content promotion or sales, I often pitch them on our software, or look for another oppor Read More
The start of a new year can be a time to take stock and reflect on where your business has come from and where you want it to go.

It can be a time of renewal and change; a time to work on your business, not just in it.

With this in mind, SmartCompany asked six entrepreneurs to tell us one thi Read More

Twitter Share Counts Not Updating? Here's How to Fix That

Avatar Posted by tuckerleroy under Social Media
From 3201 days ago
Made Hot by: centrifugePR on December 19, 2015 4:49 am
On November 20, 2015, Twitter stopped showing share counts on its official embeddable Twitter buttons. As a result, most sites no longer are able to display Twitter share counts. Luckily, we have a fix for the problem of Twitter share counts not updating. Read More

Top 3 Content Curation Strategies for Social Media Managers

Avatar Posted by ronsela under Social Media
From 3201 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on December 19, 2015 4:58 am
At the heart of every good marketing strategy, is content curation. Sometimes, it can be an art and other times it is a science of finding good quality for social media accounts that you manage as part of your job. Read More
Tired of free trial offers? Why not make free trials work for your business instead of brushing them off? Read More

Five Social Trends Marketers Won't Be Able to Ignore

Avatar Posted by brainvine under Marketing
From 3201 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on December 19, 2015 5:05 am
Marketers must adapt or die as social continues to evolve, Victor Pineiro writes. Here are five social trends for 2016 that marketers can't ignore from how SnapChat is now tv to the rise of messaging networks over broadcast social. Read More
Your Hotel needs to have sustainable and realistic goals for Social Media growth. Get started with Top 10 Tips for Hotels to manage Social Media Read More
Is your small business prepared for the New Year? Here are the 12 emerging trends in marketing (as I see them) and what you can do to keep your business current and innovative in 2016. Read More

Year in Review: Entrepreneurs Hit Positive Milestones in 2015

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Management
From 3201 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on December 19, 2015 6:17 am
There have been a number of positive milestones along the way to what seems to have been a successful year for most small businesses and startups. Read More

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